latest news 2008
Jan 2008
In a conference organized by the Amcham in Egypt (10 jan 2008)
In a conference organized by the Amcham in Egypt
The first report on "Business Solutions for Human Development in Egypt" was launched in collaboration with Vodafone Egypt, the Ministry of Investment and the United Nations Development Programme.
Thu, Jan 10, 2008
The American Chamber in Egypt and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) organized an international conference titled "Corporate Social Responsibility" Engagement for a Better Future?. The conference was attended by more than 600 experts and employees in the business and management field, heads of multi-national companies, and pioneers in the Business Sector, among others interested in development and corporate social responsibility in Egypt.
During the conference, under the sponsorship of Vodafone Egypt, the ?Business Solutions for Human Development Report? was launched. The report was prepared by the UNDP in collaboration with the Ministry of Investment, and sponsored by Vodafone Egypt and Mansour Group for Trading. This is the first-of-its-kind report in Egypt to shed light on the role of the Business and Private Sectors, in addition to the development process through corporate social responsibility programs. The report is comprehensive; including details of the contribution of the Egyptian Private Sector in the development and social responsibility field through projects and initiatives executed by leading companies in Egypt.
The preparation of the report began last year. Field studies, extensive research, writing and editing of the report took up to 11 months through the participation of those concerned with social responsibility in the Private and Public Sectors, in addition to civil society and international organizations.
The conference held discussions on 3 focal points as follows:
How to create effective cooperation between those concerned with social responsibility; how to apply social responsibility standards in companies; and how to create an adequate legislative environment to activate the role of the Private Sector in the development process.
The conference was attended by H.E. Dr. Ali Moselhy, Minister of Social Solidarity; Mr. Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University; Mr. Mervyn King, Chairman of the Global Reporting Initiative on Social Responsibility; and Mr. Christian Thommessen, Head of Private Sector Division, Bureau for Partnerships, UNDP. The Vodafone speech was given by Mr. Yuakim Krokha , Corporate Social Responsibility Executive, in Vodafone Group, where he conducted a seminar on the said topic. Furthermore, many local and regional representatives from the Private Sector participated in the seminars.
For more information please contact us through our public relations e-mail:

The Four Seasons Selects Vodafone Broadband Technology to Serve Tourists and Businessmen Visiting Egypt
The Four Seasons Selects Vodafone Broadband Technology to Serve Tourists and Businessmen Visiting Egypt
The Four Seasons Selects Vodafone Broadband Technology to Serve Tourists and Businessmen Visiting Egypt The Four Seasons Limousine Provides Guests with the Ability to Communicate With the World through the Internet Vodafone's Broadband Services Include All 3G Speeds Known Globally
Sun, Jan 20, 2008
· Applying Little Box Technology in the Limousines belonging to the Hotel Chain in Cairo and Alexandria to connect Tourists with the Internet as they commute
· The New Technology is beneficial while commuting and provides an Added Value for the Hotel
The Four Seasons Hotel has selected Vodafone Broadband technology to be implemented in the limousines of the hotel chain in Cairo, Giza, Alexandria, and soon in Sharm El Sheikh. The Four Seasons management aims to provide wireless communications technology accessing the Internet, through the Vodafone Broadband network. Through this step, the Four Seasons management aims to allow Arab and Foreign businessmen, as well as tourists visiting Egypt, to maximize benefit of time spent in commuting during their visit to Egypt. Users of the hotel's limousines will be connected on the move and able to do their work using their personal computers, through Vodafone's Little Box broadband connectivity. Little Box allows a number of people in the car to access the Internet through the Vodafone network, which uses Broadband technology and provides the widest coverage.
Technology Regional Manager at the Four Seasons Hotel, Ahmed Amer said that, ?Vodafone network was selected after a careful study to offer services for tourists and businessmen that match the high quality they are accustomed in their home countries. Vodafone is globally known for its advanced mobile communications, and was the first in the world to offer 3G." Amer pointed that, "Vodafone's advanced technology encouraged the Four Seasons Hotel to take this initiative, which represents an added value for the hotel chain in the region. Amer added, "The hotel offers rent for portable computers for guests during their stay. Through Vodafone Broadband technology, guests can access the Internet, and can send, receive, and download files at very high speeds; which is appropriate for the needs of Arab and foreign businessmen."
The Product Manager, Business Connectivity at Vodafone Egypt, Ashraf Nashed, said that, "it is easy to install a Little Box in the car to serve those riding in it. The same technology has previously served a number of tourism projects, especially on boats that require Internet access while floating on the Nile. Only the Vodafone Egypt network provides Internet communications with such high efficiency, as it employs the expertise of Vodafone Group in providing Vodafone Broadband technology and services."
Nashed added that, "such technology is beneficial to all tourist transportation companies, as visitors can benefit from the time required to commute from the hotel to the tourist attractions, and back; or while they commute from, and to the airport. Most visitors arrive to Egypt, equipped with their laptops, and providing Internet access in busses and limousines will help them use this time to perform their work." Nashed pointed that, "such technology has changed the nature of work and the way it is executed. This applies to owners of small businesses with limited income, and large businesses and organizations alike. Today, business owners can gain great benefit from this technology, as they are no longer confined to their offices. They can move freely and spend more time with their clients, or can follow up on their work from anywhere through the Internet or through the company's private networks."
The Broadband service that Vodafone provides includes all 3G speeds commercially available worldwide. The network was built to cope with all the speeds that are to be introduced in future. For this reason, Vodafone Group chose to unify the brand name for the service through the term, Broadband, in order not to confuse users when higher speeds are introduced.
For more information please contact us through our public relations e-mail:

feb 2008
March 2008
Vodafone Egypt launches Smart Ads service through different mobile phone channels (9 March 2008)
Vodafone Egypt launches Smart Ads service through different mobile phone channels
Exclusively in the Arab region...
Sun, Mar 9, 2008
International brand names deliver their ads to Vodafone customers who shall take advantage of such free service & benefit from these brands? special offers & discounts.
The new service (in the trial phase) is launched in accordance with Vodafone strategy & aim to provide a bunch of complementary extensive services to its customers.
The new hit which is mutual benefit for both advertising companies & consumer is copied to Vodafone Egypt after it has been launched & activated successfully in several parts of Europe within the past few months.
Head of Mobile ads department, Mr. Karim Khalifa stated "The new ads service is at all levels a hit for Vodafone" he also optimistically added "I expect it to attain the same recognition like the European model"
Khalifa mentioned the "Please Call Me" service as one of the most important channels for advertising companies to approach Vodafone customers. This service is proven by statistics to be one of the most commonly used among Vodafoners. Other routes that Vodafone plans to use for its pioneering ads service are "Vodafone live" & "SMS" messages in addition to the "Mini Call" & "MMS" services.
Referring to the recently launched service Khalifa explained that every "Please Call Me" message will comprise a directed commercial linking to "Vodafone live" service which enables access to the displayed video ads same way as T.V.
"No doubt that Vodafone customers shall take pleasure in special discounts & offers given by advertisers when they access the ads web link... even customers who do not yet carry 3G broadband mobiles shall be able to take advantage from this service in an audio format through the "IVR" service." Karim Khalifa added
This service will be of advantage for both customers as well as advertisers because Ads will reach the advertisers targeted customers instantly, directly & precisely. Also advertisers will be able to function their new service to compliment their ads campaigns as well as diversifying their customer approach through the aforesaid Vodafone variable ads channels. In addition to all these pros this medium is highly appreciated by the advertisers due to a monitoring option which can count ads viewership & measure the campaigns efficiency.
Khalifa continued :"Reassuring customer privacy concepts & despite what I have mentioned about this service, any customer will have the option to receive or not receive such ads messages."
The Vodafone Ads department head also clarified that any Vodafone customer should always take advantage of these ads due to the reason that they are directed to the right customers who have interest in such messages" he added: "It's worth to mention here that Vodafone Egypt is working on the necessary procedures to regulate "SPAM" messages." (messages from unidentified sender or source).
Vodafone's philosophy approach & commitments towards its customers is based on the concept of its slogan /concept "Don't miss a moment" & which is practically applied through this new service which allows the customer to cope & be exposed to new products or services offers or bargains and at the same time control or block such ads.
Karim Khalifa has pointed as well to the great appeal of this service to the advertisers as an innovative and creative way to reach their customers, adding that this new advertising method will boost competition, enhance creativity and innovativeness of advertising techniques within the Egyptian market.
Finally Karim concluded to the pioneering role of Vodafone Egypt represented in the trial launch of the new ads service channels in cooperation with several major multinational trademark companies such as P&G (Procter and Gamble), BMW, Pepsi, Citibank, Delta Group in addition other partnerships of other important companies which are in progress, as well as the aid and support of the relevant governmental authorities such as the "Consumer Protection Agency"
For more information please contact us through our public relations e-mail:
Vodafone holds its Annual Strategy Day (20 March 2008)
Vodafone holds its Annual Strategy Day
Wed, Mar 20, 2008
For more information please contact us through our public relations e-mail:
Vodafone opens 16 new retail outlets in less than one year (27 march 2008)
Vodafone opens 16 new retail outlets in less than one year
Thu, Mar 27, 2008
· Increasing our customer outreach
For more information please contact us through our public relations e-mail:
April 2008
Vodafone hosts the media in Hurghada and reflects on its latest news (10 Apr 2008)
Vodafone hosts the media in Hurghada and reflects on its latest news
Thu, Apr 10, 2008
· Total Communications for business
· Vodafone continues investing in the 2G and 3G networks in parallel
For more information please contact us through our public relations e-mail:
Being a leader in corporate social responsibility ( 17 Apr 2008)
Being a leader in corporate social responsibility
Thu, Apr 17, 2008
· Abu Trika (the most popular football star in Egypt) signs as VF good will ambassador
For more information please contact us through our public relations e-mail:
Vodafone opens 16 new retail outlets in less than one year (27 march 2008)
Vodafone opens 16 new retail outlets in less than one year
Thu, Mar 27, 2008
· Increasing our customer outreach
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