January 2020
Vodafone group and STC sign a memorandum of understanding in relation to vodafone’s 55% shareholding in Vodafone Egypt and a new partner market agreement
Vodafone Group Plc1 (“Vodafone”) announces that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding2 with Saudi Telecom Company (“stc”) in relation to a potential sale of Vodafone’s 55% shareholding in Vodafone Egypt to stc.
Vodafone and stc have agreed a cash consideration of US$2,392m (€2,171m3) for Vodafone’s 55% shareholding in Vodafone Egypt, equivalent to an Enterprise Value for 100% of Vodafone Egypt of US$4,350m (€3,948m3).
The Parties have agreed the basis for a long-term Partner Market Agreement, which will include use of the Vodafone brand, preferential roaming arrangements, access to Vodafone’s central procurement function, and a range of other services. This agreement will ensure that Vodafone Egypt will be able to continue to offer its business and consumer customers world-class services and innovations.
Vodafone will continue to have a significant presence in Egypt through its substantial Shared Services centers, recently rebranded as _VOIS (Vodafone Intelligent Solutions). The centers in Cairo, Giza and Alexandria employ around 7,800 people and provide a range of services to Vodafone’s operations around the world. The success of _VOIS is expected to continue and Vodafone has plans to recruit at least 1,000 more people over the coming 12-18 months.
Nick Read, Chief Executive of Vodafone Group, said: “I am deeply proud of our business in Egypt, being the clear number one leader in the market. Under stc, I believe they will continue to flourish. This transaction is consistent with our efforts to simplify the Group to two differentiated, scaled geographic regions - Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. Additionally, it will reduce our net debt and unlock value for our shareholders. We look forward to continuing our close relationship with the business through a Partner Market agreement, and building on our significant shared service operations in Egypt, known as _VOIS (Vodafone Intelligent Solutions).”
Nasser al Nasser, Chief Executive of stc, said: “The potential acquisition of Vodafone Egypt is in line with our expansion strategy in the MENA region. The transaction, which is still subject to a detailed due diligence, confirms stc’s eagerness to maintain a leadership position not only in the KSA, but also in the wider region. Vodafone Egypt is the leading player in the Egyptian mobile market and we look forward to contribute further to its continuous success.”
The parties intend to enter into definitive agreements in relation to the transaction following completion of due diligence on Vodafone Egypt by stc. The transaction is expected to close by the end of June 2020, subject to regulatory approval.
فبراير 2020
نجم الكرة العالمى وليفربول سفيرآ لمؤسسة فودافون العالمية و مفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشئون اللاجئين
الشراكة الاستراتيجية الأشهر فى قطاع الاتصالات مستمرة....
"فودافون" تجدد الشراكة مع "محمد صلاح"
نجم الكرة العالمى وليفربول سفيرآ لمؤسسة فودافون العالمية و مفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشئون اللاجئين
في إطار سعي شركة "فودافون" إلى التعاون مع شركاء هم الأنجح في مجالهم ، أعلنت شركة فودافون مصر عن تجديد شراكتها الاستراتيجية مع نجم الكرة العالمية وأيقونة كرة القدم محمد صلاح سفيرًا لعلامتها التجارية في مصر
وفي سياق متصل، تم اختيار محمد صلاح ليكون أول سفير لمؤسسة فودافون العالمية ومفوضية الامم المتحدة لشئون اللاجئين لبرنامج المدارس الفورية فى المناطق النائية ( Instant network school program ) فى أفريقيا ، ووالذى يعتمدعلى توفير الإنترنت والإتصالات للطلبة فى المدارس الموجودة فى المناطق النائية والخاصة باللاجئين عن طريق تركيب شبكات فورية(instant network ) وقد خصصت مؤسسة فودافون العالمية إستثمارات بلغت 26 مليون يورو، لتطبيق هذا البرنامج ليستفيد منه أكثر من نصف مليون طالب وطالبة من اللاجئين وأكثر من 10 آلاف معلم
وقع الاختيار على النجم محمد صلاح وذلك تقديرا لمكانته الكبيرة كلاعب كرة قدم وتميزه ليصبح قدوة للشباب حول العالم ومثال للنجاح الملهم للأجيال الناشئة وقد أختارته مجلة التايم كواحد من أكثر الشخصيات تأثيرًا في العالم في عام 2019، هذا بالإضافة إلى إسهاماته الخيرية في مختلف المجالات بما في ذلك التعليم.
وكجزء من دوره كسفير للبرنامج، يقوم اللاعب محمد صلاح بزيارة المدارس التي يدعمها البرنامج، كما سيعمل مع مؤسسة فودافون العالمية والمفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين على زيادة الوعي بضرورة وأهمية التعليم الرقمي للأطفال اللاجئين، لإعطائهم فرصة لتكوين مستقبلهم الخاص.
وأقيم إحتفالا كبيرا فى مقر فودافون العالمية للترحيب بالنجم محمد صلاح ،وممثله ووكيل أعمالة السيد رامى عباس وكان فى إستقبالهم السيد / نيكولاس ريد الرئيس التنفيذى لشركة فودافون العالمية والسيد / ألكسندر فرومان كورتيل الرئيس التنفيذى لشركة فودافون مصر ومحمد كمال عبد الله رئيس قطاع التسويق التجارى فودافون مصر و نهى سعد رئيس قسم الإتصالات الخارجية والإعلام و هبه عرفة رئيس قسم العلامة التجارية والإتصالات التسويقية بفودافون مصر
ومن جانبه، عبر محمد صلاح عن سعادته بتجديد التعاون مع "فودافون مصر" باعتبارها أنجح شبكات المحمول في مصر، وأثنى على الشراكة مع فودافون مصر التى إضيف إليها جانب إنسانى عالمى عن طريق مؤسسة فودافون العالمية و مفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين لسد الفجوة بين التعليم المتاح للاجئين وأقرانهم الذين يعيشون في مجتمعات مستقرة. مشيدًا بدور المبادرة في نشر التعليم لإنشاء جيل من الشباب المتعلم والواعي والمعتمد على نفسه في جميع أنحاء أفريقيا، وقريبًا في مصر.
وصرح ألكسندر فرومان، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة فودافون مصر، "يتماشى اختيار صلاح مع استراتيجية فودافون، كما يعكس معنى علامتها التجارية فمحمد صلاح أيقونة الشباب في مصر والعالم ومثال ملهم لهم لتحقيق الطموحات والأحلام ورمزا للسعي إلى مستقبل أقوى وأفضل، وهو شعار فودافون "اللي جاي أقوى. جاهز؟". كما لفت فرومان أن خطوة تجديد الشراكة يأتي تأكيدًا على بقاء العلامة التجارية "فودافون" في الأسواق المصرية راسخة في مكانتها المعتادة "رقم 1 " في السوق المصرية.
برنامج المدارس الفورية ( Instant network school program ) والتعليم فى المناطق النائية فى أفريقيا يقوم بتحويل الفصل الدراسي إلى مركز متقدم للتعلم عبر الإنترنت، تقنيات مفهوم school in a box’”، والذي الذي طورته "فودافون"، والذي يتم من خلاله اعداد الفصل الدراسي في دقائق باستخدام حاسبات وأجهزة عرض ونظام صوت، إلى جانب خدمات اتصال بشبكة الجيل الرابع وأجهزة اتصال بالواي فاي وأجهزة مدعمة بإمكانية الشحن عن طريق الطاقة الشمسية وكابلات ومكتبة تعليمية رقمية. تم تطبيق البرنامج في ثمانية مخيمات للاجئين في دولة كينيا وتنزانيا وجمهورية الكونغو الديموقراطية وجنوب السودان. ومن المتوقع أن يتم افتتاح 225 مدرسة في ست دول أخرى بحلول 2025، من بينها 20 مدرسة هذا العام في مصر وموزمبيق وكينيا، كما سيتم إنشاء مدارس أخرى في تنزانيا وجمهورية الكونغو الديموقراطية اعتبارًا من عام 2021.
"فودافون" تحصد جائزة "أفضل بيئة عمل" لعام 2019
"فودافون" تحصد جائزة "أفضل بيئة عمل" لعام 2019
وتتصدر قائمة "Top Employer" في مصر والقارة الأفريقية للعام الثالث على التوالي
فرومان: نعمل على خلق بيئة عمل مبتكرة تشجع على الابداع وكوادر للعمل فى مجال التحول الرقمى
القاهرة، مصر، 18 فبراير 2020: وفقًا لتقييم برنامج "أفضل بيئة عمل" لأفضل الجهات التوظيفية على مستوى العالم لعام 2020، جاءت شركة فودافون مصر في المركز الأول كأفضل مكان للعمل في مصر على مستوى قطاع الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات. كما حصلت "فودافون" على جائزة Top Employer العالمية، للعام الثالث على التوالي على مستوى مصر وأفريقيا وهو ما يعكس ريادتها كأفضل جهة توظيفية في مصر والمنطقة. يقوم برنامج "أفضل بيئة عمل" باختيار الشركات وأصحاب العمل ذات الريادة حول العالم، ممن لديهم القدرة على تقديم تجربة عمل استثنائية وتطوير قدرات الموظفين لديهم على مستوى جميع قطاعات المؤسسة، وتزويد هذه المؤسسات بفرص زيادة التواصل والتفاعل مع موظفيهم بما يحقق مستويات رضاء أعلى.
وحصلت شركة فودافون مصر على أعلى الدرجات عقب تقييم العناصر التي توفرها "فودافون" للعاملين لديها في بيئة العمل، مثل القيادة والتعلم والتطوير والثقافة، ليأتي هذا التكريم انعكاسًا لالتزام الشركة بضمان التميز الوظيفي للعاملين لديها، واستقطاب أفضل المواهب وبذل جهود متواصلة لتطوير القوة العاملة لديهم وتحقيق طموحهم.
من جانبه صرح ألكسندر فرومان، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة "فودافون مصر"، قائلًا "نعمل في فودافون على خلق بيئة تغلب عليها ثقافة التنوع والاختلاف وتلهم الجميع ليحققوا أفضل النتائج.."
وصرحت نجلاء قناوي، رئيس قطاع الموارد البشرية بشركة فودافون مصر، نفخر بتحقيق فودافون لهذا الإنجازوحصولها على هذا المركز ليس فقط في مصر ولكن على مستوى القارة الأفريقية، ما يعكس قدرة موظفى الشركة على التميز ، مدفوعين برؤية استراتيجية منظمة ، ونتطلع إلى مزيد من النجاح فى مجال بناء الكوادر وصقل المواهب التى تتفوق وتتميز فى مجال الوظائف الرقمية المستقبلية.
March 2020
Vodafone Egypt adopts New Precautionary Measures to guarantee efficient work continuity for more than 44 million client
Increasing Home Internet Capacity by 20% for clients and providing free access to educational websites and platforms
In light of the continued spread of the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Vodafone Egypt announced several precautionary measures taken by the company to ensure work continuity and the service delivery to more than 44 million clients.
The company aims to combat the spread of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, coming as part of its commitment toward the health and safety of its employees and customers. The #1 telecom operator has increased the ADSL capacity by 20% to all its clients, as well as providing them with free access to educational sites and platforms, which comes in line with MCIT’s virtual learning initiative announced earlier by the government.
As COVID-19 has spread, Vodafone has been doing beyond its ordinary workflow by ensuring the presence of more than two thousand engineers and network technicians to provide customers with best services and help them get through this crisis. For the customers and employees’ safety, and In line with the Government's move to encourage social distancing, Vodafone has limited the number of customers in the branches premises, by applying a “crowd-control” policy by moving the customers’ waiting area outside the branch to reduce the total number of clients in branches. Besides, Vodafone has disinfected all the surfaces, floors, bathrooms, and elevators in all branches and stores, as well as, providing employees with gloves, masks and sanitizers.
Alexandre Froment-Curtil, CEO of Vodafone Egypt stated that Vodafone has been working closely with and are implementing the recommendations of the government. He stressed that Vodafone is regularly following up with Egyptian authorities and MCIT for information on the situation coordinate to ensure business continuity and providing services to our customers, helping to better use all our services and technology during the coming few weeks.
Froment added that Vodafone launched "Stay Home … Stay Connected" campaign, over its owned social media platforms to encourage customers to use the "Ana Vodafone" application and Vodafone Cash services to transfer money and all of our services that help enable them without the need to physically visit the stores.
Here are the governmental educational websites and portals:
Vodafone Egypt launches e-learning platform “Ta3limy” in collaboration with “Nahdet Misr”
Platform helps students maintain their learning progress in support of government endeavors to create digital content and grant free access to educational resource to students nationwide
- Henna: project reflects importance of mobile tech and digital transformation to support the government efforts to promote e-learning
- The platform is for free and aims at bringing the educational system to everyone at home, especially now and after the suspension of schools
- Nahdet Misr CEO: we take pride in being part of this partnership that supports the educational process through making resources available for the students
March 23rd 2020: Vodafone Egypt Foundation announced collaboration with Nahdet Misr, one of the country’s oldest publishing presses specialized in educational resources especially digital ones and the owner of the educational books’ series Al-Adwaa. The collaboration is aimed at supporting the students nationwide to continue their learning path, after the suspension of schools as a precautionary action to curb the spread of novel virus Covid-19.
Through this partnership Vodafone Egypt launches the online educational platform “Ta3limy”, where Nahdet Misr provides digital educational resources and content for the popular educational series “Al Adwaa”. Access to “Ta3limy” and browsing the platform is "free" for users who can enjoy the platform’s dynamic content that includes explanatory videos featuring specialized teachers, in addition to using the diverse evaluation methods, interactive questions and direct communication tools with those teachers. Furthermore, as “Ta3limy” aims to support students to complete their educational path, it aims at aiding and supporting parents that accompany their children through this journey and monitor and evaluate their performance.
“We are proud to have signed this partnership with Nahdat Misr which is one of the most strategic partnerships at the present time where we realize the importance of our work. This is evident in supporting the Egyptian government's endeavors in light of the current crisis. Vodafone is committed to the Egyptian market and we pledge to provide the latest technology solutions to serve the educational system with all its phases,” stated the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Vodafone Egypt Foundation, Mohamed Henna.
On her part, CEO of Nahdet Mist, Ms. Dalia Ibrahim, stated that Vodafone Egypt is a valuable partner to the publishing group, which will enable access to its educational resources using their latest technologies and innovative solutions. Ibrahim pointed out that this is a crucial time for the educational system in Egypt and the Egyptian student and family, which stresses the need for such platforms that aid and support the government to maintain its system. She further noted that Nahdet Misr has started this wave of digitally transforming the educational resources over 2 decades ago, hence the step of realizing these efforts on ground now, are happening at a smoother pace.
“Ta3limy” offers complementary educational resources to those provided by the Ministry of Education, especially on the Egyptian Knowledge Bank (EKB), which is one of the most important and largest electronic educational platforms in the world.
Vodafone Launches a Donations Campaign and Encourages its 44 Million Customers to Participate
The Awareness Campaign is initiated with Donations of 10 Million Egyptian Pounds from Vodafone to the Ministry of Health to Combat COVID-19
Vodafone sends Awareness Message to Every Customer
Vodafone Egypt and its Foundation: A unified strategic plan, aimed at supporting the government in facing the repercussions of COVID-19 Crisis
Vodafone Egypt announced its collaboration with Vodafone Egypt Foundation to launch a donations campaign through SMS messages to support the efforts of the country and the Ministry of Health in preventing and combating COVID-19. The awareness campaign is initiated with donating 10 million Egyptian Pounds to the Ministry of Health to support its endeavors in combating the disease. This campaign comes as part of Vodafone’s role towards the Egyptians society, which is driven by the company’s belief in the importance of solidarity and cooperation between the various state institutions along with the private sector and citizens to overcome these tough times.
Vodafone Egypt and Vodafone Egypt Foundation stress their keenness at maintaining their prominent role in advancing development in the Egyptian society in many pivotal fields, most importantly education and health, especially in those difficult times the country is going through. Vodafone Egypt and Vodafone Egypt Foundation both adopted the same unified strategy that aims to support the government in combating COVID-19. The two entities joint collaboration capitalizes on the number one network and services provider’s latest tech solutions and services aid the country in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Moreover, Vodafone Egypt Foundation launched an online educational platform “Ta3limy” to assist the Egyptian students in the remote education process following the government’s decision to close schools in this current predicament as a precautionary measure.
Besides the financial support, Vodafone Egypt has launched a free SMS awareness campaign that grants Vodafone’s clients the opportunity to positively contribute to supporting the efforts of the Ministry of Health. Every time a customer receives an awareness message, Vodafone Egypt donates the amount of 1 EGP for the cause. This way, Vodafone Egypt leverages on its capabilities to reach and mobilize the customers to contribute to this aim. In parallel, the number one mobile network in Egypt, helps in spreading correct and trustworthy information about the disease and the right ways to protect ourselves from, which are provided by the Ministry of Health.
Expressing gratitude towards the massive effort exerted by doctors, nursing staff and all medical personnel in providing the necessary healthcare across quarantine hospitals, Vodafone Egypt collaborates with the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority and the Ministry of Health to provide the medical staff with 3,000 minutes and 10 GB per month free of charge.
Alexandre Froment, CEO of Vodafone Egypt stated: “the social responsibility of the private sector is more evident than ever before. We hope that our initiative will be the beginning for more companies to act up to the needs of the society and support the efforts of the Egyptian government to combat the pandemic to overcome those difficult times. Vodafone Egypt is committed to its role towards the Egyptian society as part of it. We exploit all our technological solutions in order to facilitate the lives of Egyptians and maintain their safety and protection.”
Froment further commented on the exceptional service provided by Vodafone saying: “the crisis that Egypt is experiencing and most of the countries in the world are suffering from, has urged the mega companies and enterprises to act upon its social responsibility role to help overcome this crisis. We are keen on providing this service to allow everyone to participate and our clients to engage in spreading awareness about the correct precautionary measures for everyone to benefit from it.” Froment also added: “Vodafone cooperates with Vodafone Egypt to achieve the maximum objectives of this initiative which starts with providing 10 million pounds to the Ministry of Health, for the sake of purchasing the necessary medical equipment needed in quarantine hospitals, in order to support the Ministry's efforts in combating the virus.”
It is worth noting that Vodafone launched a campaign under the slogan "Stay at home" to urge citizens to stick to their houses in an attempt to curb the spread of the disease
ابريل 2020
ڤودافون مصر ترفع كفاءة التغطية بالشبكات المحيطة بمستشفيات العزل الصحي
قامت ڤودافون مصر بتوجيه فرق دعم فني من المهندسين المتخصصين لتقوية الشبكات في الاماكن المحيطة بمستشفيات العزل الصحي بمطروح ومرسي علم والعجمي والاسماعيلية والأقصر والمنيا والقليوبية و ١٥ مايو بالقاهرة و العديد من المناطق الاخرى، بالتنسيق مع الجهاز القومي لتنظيم الإتصالات ووزارة الصحة
تأتى الخطوة التى اتخذتها فودافون تماشياً مع خطتها المتكاملة للمساهمة فى مكافحة فيروس كورونا وتقديراً للمجهود العظيم الذي يبذله الأطباء وأطقم التمريض وكافة العاملين في القطاع الطبي ودعماً لوزارة الصحة من أجل تقديم الرعاية الصحية اللازمة لمصابي الفيروس.
وقال أيمن عصام، رئيس قطاع العلاقات الخارجية والشئون القانونية لفودافون مصر، إن الشركة تؤكد التزامها بدعم جهود الحكومة المصرية في التصدي للوباء وإجتياز هذا الظرف العصيب، من خلال القيام بدورها تجاه المجتمع المصري بتوظيف جميع الحلول التكنولوجية من أجل تيسير حياة المصريين والحفاظ على سلامتهم وحمايتهم.
تشغيل محفظة فودافون كاش الأن من المنزل وزيادة حدود المعاملات والتحويل ... من أجل سلامة العملاء
دعمًا لمنظومة الدفع الالكتروني...
تشغيل محفظة فودافون كاش الأن من المنزل وزيادة حدود المعاملات والتحويل ... من أجل سلامة العملاء
• رفع الحد الأقصى للمعاملات اليومية والشهرية وحد تخزين الأموال في المحفظة
• محمد عبدالله: هدفنا دعم نظام المدفوعات الرقمية في مصر وفقاً للإجراءات التحفيزية للحكومة والبنك المركزي... ونطور من خدماتنا باستمرار لخدمة مزيد من المواطنين
أعلنت شبكة المحمول الأولى في مصر، "فودافون مصر"، عن اطلاقها عدد من الخدمات المميزة من خلال محفظتها الالكترونية "فودافون كاش" والتي يمكن الأن ولأول مرة التسجيل لاستخدامها من المنزل باستخدام الرقم القومي فقط، بهدف تطوير ودعم منظومة خدمات الدفع الالكتروني في مصر بما يتماشى مع خطة الدولة والبنك المركزي للحد من التعامل النقدي وتحويل الخدمات إلى النمط الرقمي خلال الفترة الراهنة. كما تساهم هذه الخطوة في إتاحة خدمات "فودافون كاش" لمزيد من الشرائح والمستخدمين، حيث ساهمت المحفظة بالفعل في تيسير الدفع الالكتروني لأكثر من مليون عميل ذائم الاستخدام شهرياً.
تتضمن الخدمات الإضافية والمميزات التي أعلنتها "فودافون" التحويل من بطاقات الائتمان والبطاقات الشرائية إلى محفظة "فودافون كاش" والتحويل لمحافظ أخرى لعملاء "فودافون كاش" أيضًا، وإتاحة خدمة VCN بدون أية رسوم، ذلك بالإضافة إلى رفع الحد الأقصى للمعاملات اليومية من 6 آلاف جنيه إلى 30 ألف جنيه مصري، والمعاملات الشهرية التي تمت مضاعفتها لتصل إلى 100 ألف جنيه مصري، بجانب رفع حد تخزين الأموال على المحفظة ليصل إلى 50 ألف جنيه مصري.
وصرح محمد عبدالله، رئيس قطاع التسويق والمبيعات، "تعد فودافون من الشركات ذات الحصة الأكبر في القيمة السوقية للمحافظ الالكترونية باجمالي 72% من اجمالي السوق الذي يبلغ حجمه 11.7 مليار جنيه مصري، حيث وصل عدد مستخدمي "فودافون كاش" أكثر من 3.5 مليون مستخدم في مصر. وفي إطار الاستراتيجية التوسعية الهادفة إلى دعم خدمات الدفع الرقمي في مصر والتي تشهد طفرة في الأداء والتطوير، قامت فودافون بتقديم خدماتها للسحب والإيداع عبر منظومة تحويل الأموال من خلال فودافون كاش، وذلك بالتعاون مع كلاً من “ماستركارد” و “أمان”.
وأضاف محمد عبدالله، "عقدنا شراكة استراتيجية مع وزارة التضامن الاجتماعي وبنك ناصر، وذلك بهدف تقديم التسهيلات الخدمية وإتاحة النفقات الشهرية من خلال "فودافون كاش" التي تستهدف 20,000 من مشتركي صناديق المعاشات التابعة لوزارة التضامن الاجتماعي. كل ذلك بهدف تيسير المعاملات الالكترونية التي تستبدل المعاملات التقليدية في المتاجر ولتشجيع مزيد من المواطنين على البقاء في منازلهم كما نبهت الحكومة المصرية، لمنع انتشار عدوى فيروس كورونا المستجد الذي يهدد السلامة والصحة العامة."
وتتيح خدمات "فودافون كاش" بالفعل تسديد الفواتير وسداد المستحقات الخدمية مثل المياه والكهرباء والغاز، وتديد أية مصروفات تعليمية، هذا بالإضافة إلى اتاحة خدمات التبرعات للمؤسسات المختلفة والتسوق والدفع عبر الانترنت.
كما تتيح "فودافون" تطبيقها الرقمي "أنا فودافون" لتقديم منظومة خدمية العملاء بديلة للعملاء دون الحاجة للاتصال بمركز دعم العملاء أو التوجه للفروع والمتاجر.
مايو 2020
صرف معونة الحكومة المصرية للعمالة اليومية عن طريق ڤودافون كاش
أعلنت شركة "فودافون مصر"، شبكة المحمول الأولي في مصر، عن تعاونها مع البنك المركزي المصري ووزارة التضامن الاجتماعي ووزارة القوى العاملة ووزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات، لدعم مبادرة البنك والحكومة المصرية لدعم العمالة اليومية وغير المنتظمة من المتأثرين بالأوضاع الحالية، وتمكينهم اقتصاديا، حيث تشارك فودافون في المرحلة الثانية من صرف المعونة المستحقة
وتقوم "فودافون" بصرف المعونة لأكثر من ٥٠٪ من اجمالي نصيب شركات المحمول التي تقدم خدمات المحافظ الإلكترونية في السوق المصرية وذلك لتمتع فودافون بالحصة السوقية الأكبر لسوق المحمول في مصر وايضا لخدمات تحويل الأموال عبر المحمول
هذا وقد تم بالفعل صرف المستحقات للعمالة من فروع الشركة والصراف الالي، كما تقوم "فودافون" بإرسال رسائل للمستفيدين بالتوجه لصرف المنحة من أقرب فرع لهم
وساعد علي نجاح عملية الصرف الخطوة انتشار منافذ "فودافون" علي مستوي الجمهورية ووجود اكثر من ١٨٠ الف منفذ وماكينات صرف الي في جميع أنحاء الجمهورية، وهو ما أدى إلى تجنب الازدحام تماما والتكدس ومن ثم وقاية المواطنين من خطر انتشار العدوى وتيسير عمليات الصرف للمستفيدين من المنحة
وتأتي هذه الشراكة لتعكس الثقة في قدرة "فودافون مصر" على دعم التحول الرقمي للخدمات ومؤازرة الدولة خلال الأوضاع الحالية وتيسير حياة المواطنين، حيث أعلنت "فودافون" في وقت سابق ومنذ بداية أزمة "كورونا" إمكانية التسجيل لاستخدام المحفظة الإلكترونية من المنزل بالرقم القومي فقط، وذلك دعماً لمنظومة الدفع الرقمي في مصر بما يتماشى مع خطة الدولة والبنك المركزي للحد من التعامل النقدي وتحويل الخدمات إلى النمط الرقمي خلال الفترة الراهنة. كما تم رفع الحد الأقصى للمعاملات اليومية من 6 آلاف جنيه إلى 30 ألف جنيه مصري، والمعاملات الشهرية التي تمت مضاعفتها لتصل إلى 100 ألف جنيه مصري، هذا بالإضافة إلى رفع حد تخزين الأموال على المحفظة ليصل إلى 50 ألف جنيه مصري. إلى جانب ذلك، تتيح "فودافون كاش" بالفعل تسديد الفواتير وسداد المستحقات الخدمية مثل المياه والكهرباء والغاز، وتسديد أية مصروفات تعليمية، هذا بالإضافة إلى اتاحة خدمات التبرعات للمؤسسات المختلفة والتسوق عبر الانترنت.
يوليو 2020
شراكة ناجحة بين "فودافون مصر" و"شاهد" لتقديم محتوى حصري للعملاء
عملاء RED و"كاش" والـ ADSL يستمتعون بعروض خاصة وتجربة المحتوى الحصري على "شاهد VIP" خلال 2020 - 2021
القاهرة، مصر 21 يوليو 2020: عقدت شركة "فودافون مصر" شراكة ناجحة مع "شاهد" المنصة الرقمية للفيديو حسب الطلب VOD، لتقدم فودافون لعملائها فرصة الاطلاع على المحتوى المتنوع والحصري لـ "شاهد VIP"مجاناً.
بدأ هذا العرض خلال شهر مارس حيث تم إطلاق شهر تجريبي للخدمه من خلال نظام دفع الفواتير المباشر، ليستمتع بها ٢٠٠ ألف مشترك من خلال تطبيق "أنا فودافون". كما وصل عدد مستخدمي فودافون للمنصة إلى أكثر من ١٤ ألف مستخدم خلال شهر رمضان وحده على خدمات "شاهد" الجديده على فودافون بلس، الذي يهتم فيه المستخدمون بمتابعة الدراما الرمضانية، خاصة خلال هذه الفترة التي يكثر خلالها الالتزام بالمنازل. وتمتد هذه الشراكة أيضاً خلال العام المقبل حيث من المنتظر تقديم عروض جديدة لعملاء فودافون RED وعملاء ADSL، هذا بالإضافة إلى عروض باقات الداتا من خلال خدمة "فودافون بلس".
من جانبه، صرح محمد عبد الله، رئيس قطاع التسويق والمبيعات في شركة فودافون مصر، "نتطلع دائماً إلى عقد شراكات مع مزيد من المؤسسات والشركات التي تساهم في دعم خدماتنا التي نقدمها للعملاء وتطويرها لنقدم لهم الأفضل على الاطلاق. نؤمن بأن منصات تحميل ومشاهدة المحتوى الدرامي والفني والفيديو حسب الطلب هي مستقبل صناعة الترفيه في ظل التوجه نحو تحقيق مزيد من التحول الرقمي في مختلف المجالات."
بدوره قال لويز دوران، مدير الشراكات الاستراتيجية والدراسات الإحصائية في "شاهد": "مع التطور والنمو الهائلين الذيْن حققهمها لـ "Shahid VIP " في الآونة الأخيرة، بالإضافة إلى تركيز استثمارنا على المحتوى العربي الرائد لدينا، نتطلع باستمرار لتوسيع شراكاتنا الاستراتيجية، وبالتالي جعل "Shahid VIP" متاحاً للمستخدمين في كل زمان ومكان." وأضاف دوران: "اليوم، تأتي شراكتنا الاستراتيجية مع فودافون، المشغل الرائد للاتصالات في مصر، لتؤكد الإقبال الكبير الذي تشهده السوق على المحتوى الترفيهي للفيديو الرقمي عموماً، لذا فنحن نتطلع إلى منح عملاء فودافون محتوى رقمي نوعي وفريد ورائد خلال الأشهر والسنوات القادمة".
August 2020
Vodafone Foundation and Samsung Electronics Egypt Collaborate to Launch Interactive Programs on “Ta3limy
Collaboration aims at incentivizing reading more books and participate in the different training programs and resources on the platform
Samsung offers tablets as rewards for students who read most
The platform offers tech and programing content for students across country
Cairo, Egypt August 23rd 2020: Vodafone Egypt Foundation announced their collaboration with Samsung Electronics Egypt through the first’s interactive educational platform “Ta3limy”. The new collaboration is aimed at encouraging the students across Egypt to access and use the valuable resources and programs on the platform, targeting the age group between 5 years old and 16 years old, who are considered the most active in reading the digital books and taking training courses to enhance their digital skills.
The first phase of the initiative will reward 30 students aged between 5 to 10 years old who have read the largest amount of digital resources as well as students in the age group of 10 to 16 who have completed the training programs specified in the period from August 23rd till September 23rd. The Foundation will announce the second phase by the beginning of the new academic year.
Moreover, Vodafone Foundation has collaborated with Ideas Gym to offer 15 programs tackling different skills and topics such as programming, robotics, and electronics amongst others. Furthermore, the Foundation partnered with Little Thinking Minds to support “Ta3limy” with almost 180 interactive digital resources and books at different levels, with the aim of enhancing the reading skills of the Arabic Language.
“We are proud to collaborate with Samsung Egypt, and more institutions specialized in the field of education in order to support our electronic platform "Ta3limy", which helps our students to learn remotely, especially during the Coronavirus crisis,” indicating that "Ta3limy" has contributed to serving more than 130 thousand students and parents since its launch last March. Currently, the
platform is working to expand its role in this context and keep on enriching and enhancing the talents of the students during summer,” stated the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Vodafone Egypt Foundation, Mohamed Henna.
May Yassin, The Secretary General of Vodafone Foundation stated that the foundation always seeks to collaborate with more entities to enhance their projects, pointing out that this collaboration with Samsung will maximize the student’s benefit from “Ta3limy” and prepare them to rely more on advanced tech solutions.
“Samsung dedicated massive efforts and support for the educational systems in the countries in which we operate. Therefore, we are proud of this milestone collaboration with Vodafone that contributes to the enhancement of remote learning through the company’s leading platform,” said Mai Helal, Head of e-Commerce in Samsung Electronics Egypt.
Helal further stressed “We believe that institutions have a fundamental role in supporting digital and remote learning, and that empowering the younger generations with technology is the best option to cope with the changes occurring in the world. At Samsung, we have launched many initiatives to develop the infrastructure for more than 85 schools in Upper Egypt, in addition to the fruitful cooperation with the Ministry of Education in the transformation of education through the tablets, which has greatly contributed to supporting remote education during the current circumstances.”
“Ta3limy” is a digital platform aimed at supporting remote learning and complementing the Ministry of Education’s platform. The platform has content suitable for the learning needs of the students in all educational stages. It also offers guiding content for the families to assist their children in the learning process.
September 2020
Vodafone Egypt provides university students with “virtual” summer internship and allows work from home
Being Egypt’s best work environment and winner of the top employer prize for many years, Vodafone Egypt, Egypt’s no. 1 network, announced continuing to provide the summer internship program aimed at the development of the digital capabilities of the youth. This comes in line with Vodafone’s strategic direction to invest in the young calibers and develop the talents’ digital skills, serving digital transformation as a priority to the government and Vodafone.
Due to the Coronavirus situation, Vodafone will offer the internship program virtually for the first time since the program launched, allowing access to 70 students to the program’s valuable resources from their homes. The step to hold the program virtually reflects the company’s commitment to develop the young calibers, and enhance their self-confidence and skills.
In designing this virtual program, the company relied on the latest digital technologies and tools that allows the students to register and commence the program through the official website, and gives the distinguished students the opportunity to work on a variety of projects assigned to them by their team leaders, all from home. The students also get to receive tips and consultations from the team leaders on their tasks within the projects they are handling virtually, which prepares them for the market and work life after graduation.
Nagla A. Kinawi, the Human Resources Director in Vodafone Egypt, stated that Vodafone Egypt is keen on training the young calibers to qualify them for the market and its fast-changing needs. She also pointed out the importance of investing in these programs that nurtures the trainees’ abilities to communicate, think within a team and come up with innovative ideas.
MOE and Vodafone Egypt Sign Strategic Partnership within Framework of “Ethadar lel Akhdar”
MOE and Vodafone Egypt Sign Strategic Partnership within Framework of “Ethadar lel Akhdar”
MOE and Vodafone Egypt sign protocol to launch several initiatives and programs aimed at spreading environmental awareness
- Yasmine Fouad: E-Tadweer will be at core of our collaboration with Vodafone Egypt
- Fouad: We seek to partner with more private sector companies with the aim of achieving environmental sustainability
- Froment: Vodafone’s participation in this initiative by MOE will enhance our commitment to strategically contribute to the sustainability of the environment
Egyptian Minister of Environment, Dr. Yasmine Fouad and Vodafone Egypt’s CEO, Alexander Froment have signed a protocol for the telecom operator to participate and support the activities of the ministry aimed at preserving the environment within the framework of the initiative of Ethadar lel Akhdar launched by the minister under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi.
The minister stressed that the collaboration between the Ministry of Environment and Vodafone Egypt will focus in its initial phase on the waste management through the project of E-Tadweer for the recycling and safe disposal of the electronic waste. This includes damaged mobile devices that are considered dangerous waste that negatively affects the human beings.
Dr. Fouad pointed out that the purpose of the protocol is to spread awareness of the best environmentally-responsible practices that will contribute to the sustainability of the planet’s resources for the upcoming generations. Praising the great role of Vodafone, Dr. Fouad expressed her hopes that this protocol will encourage more private sector companies to join the cause and support the community services aimed at preserving the environment.
For his part, Mr. Alexander Froment, CEO of Vodafone Egypt, explained that Vodafone adopts a strategy that embraces sustainable development, to which preserving the environment is fundamental, pointing out the importance of E-Tadweer project, which contributes to reducing the environmental risks of electronic waste. Froment explained that this initiative is a translation of the participation of the private sector and the telecommunications sector in supporting the sustainable development activities carried out by the government in Egypt, which is by turn a part of the strategy to build a better digital future.
The terms of the protocol include Vodafone Egypt providing technical support for the E-Tadweer project, allocating places for disposal of the electronic waste within some of its branches nationwide. According to the protocol, Vodafone Egypt will also participate in the digital marketing of the project while offering incentives in the form of points to be translated as discounts when purchasing from Vodafone stores.
Vodafone Egypt is working continuously to raise environmental awareness and address environmental challenges, as it has entered into partnerships with the public and private sectors, to launch many initiatives, employ innovation and tech solutions for this cause and transform them into pioneering projects that contribute to addressing basic challenges facing the Egyptian community in the field of the environment. This is disclosed by Vodafone Egypt through the sustainability report documented by the Global Reporting Initiative GRI, which contains all the company's activities, including the environmental ones.
October 2020
Vodafone names Mohamed AbdAllah as new Egypt CEO
Cairo, Egypt, 1st of October, 2020
Vodafone, the world’s second-biggest mobile operator, has named Mohamed AbdAllah as its chief executive officer (CEO) in Egypt, effective November 1.
AbdAllah was previously Enterprise Business Unit Director (EBU) for Vodafone Egypt. As EBU Director, he was accountable for marketing, sales, technical, and operational resources that look after the enterprise business in Egypt.
He will take over from Alexandre Froment-Curtil, who will be chief executive of Vodafone in Turkey.
Since he joined Vodafone in October 1998, AbdAllah has a track record of achievements in various leadership positions he held at the Group in Egypt.
Prior to the EBU Director position on the 1st of June 2015, AbdAllah was the Head of Enterprise Marketing, Head of Internet, VAS and Content, Head of Consumer Marketing, and most recently Head of Corporate Sales of Vodafone Egypt.
He holds a BA Degree in Commerce from Ain Shams University in 1998.
Vodafone Egypt for Community Development Signs a Partnership Protocol with ‘Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation’ for Education
Cairo, Egypt, 6th of October, 2020
Henna: The partnership encourages cooperation in knowledge and cognitive activities related to empowering Arab youth.
Bin Huwaireb: The cooperation with Vodafone aligns with our efforts to provide the ultimate benefit for our community when it comes to education.
Vodafone Egypt Foundation for Community Development has signed a partnership protocol with the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation, to exchange benefits in the educational field through their participation in educational projects that will have a positive impact on society. This comes as a result of the community development efforts, carried out by these two institutions to support the Arab youth and talents by focusing on education, and culture and investing in knowledge and personal development.
The signing took place in the presence of His Excellency Jamal bin Huwaireb, Cultural Adviser to the Government of Dubai and Executive Director of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation, Shamsa Al Balushi, Director of Partnerships Department, Ahmed Shawqi, General Coordinator of the Literacy Challenge Project, and Mohammed Henna, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Vodafone Egypt Foundation for Community Development, and May Yassin, The Secretary General of Vodafone Egypt Foundation for Community Development and Mamdouh Eid, General Coordinator of the Foundation's projects.
Through this partnership, the electronic platforms of both the Vodafone Egypt Foundation for Community Development and the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation will be altered to provide multi-faceted educational content on a professional, educational and personal level. In addition to holding workshops, seminars, interviews, and training courses, in order to give the Arab youth world-class education.
Eng. Mohamed Henna, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Vodafone Egypt Foundation for Community Development, stated that “The partnership with the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation included knowledge and cognitive activities related to empowering Arab youth locally and abroad. As well as encouraging joint promotions of events and initiatives related to activities by both parties through social media channels and available promotion channels.”
He added: “Education is crucial to all people in the world and it’s the most important national tool for social progress and building better civilizations and identities that can adapt to various kinds of cultural, economic, and social influences.”
“We are pleased to work on achieving common goals and objectives related to the illiteracy challenges, ‘Bil Arabi’ initiative, and the exchange of electronic content between us to support our children and guide them towards a better life. Investing in knowledge is mainly to ensure the personal development of the Arab youth, which is considered the most important element for sustainable development, and enriching our electronic platforms to provide multi-faceted educational content, along with other measures that ensure achieving our goals that focus on education as one of the most important axes of prosperity and development.” His Excellency Gamal Bin Huwaireb said.
He added: "The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation aims to support efforts that seek to spread knowledge, inspired by the prudent vision of our leadership in reaching a developed and prosperous Arab society enriched with science and knowledge and the pursuit of a better tomorrow. It is what makes us proud of the results of the Foundation's initiatives and projects on all local, regional and international levels which were welcomed and praised internationally, especially the strategic partnership that exists between the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation and the United Nations Development Program, which issues the Global Knowledge Index annually concerned with assessing knowledge related to the various dimensions of contemporary human life. In addition to transitioning from the perspective of development based on material and natural resources into smart development based on knowledge resources, in order to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development.”
It is worth noting that Vodafone Egypt Foundation for Community Development efforts began in 2003, focusing mainly on working on education in its various sectors, both public and social. From 2011 to 2018, the Vodafone Egypt Foundation for Community Development launched a national initiative to support efforts to eradicate illiteracy titled "Knowledge is Power" in partnership with civil society organizations, with a funding of 50 million pounds. It reached 18 governorates in Egypt using many educational curricula approved by the General Authority for Literacy and Adult Education which is responsible for adult literacy and has contributed to the literacy of nearly 500,000 people.
It is worth noting that in light of the recent changes in education in Egypt, the Foundation has supported the distance learning process through the "Ta3limy" platform, which is the first free digital platform targeting students, parents, and teachers and contains content that suits the needs of students at all levels as well as educational content for parents. The foundation decided to cooperate with parties that possess the necessary ingredients to develop the educational process and encourage various sectors in the country to participate and contribute to the development of areas in which the Foundation operates to achieve this goal.
A new partnership between Vodafone and Hyde Park to provide Triple play services to the New Cairo project
Cairo, Egypt, 25th of October, 2020
Vodafone Egypt announced a new partnership between Hyde Park Real Estate Development Company, to launch Vodafone Compound services, in the project for Hyde Park in New Cairo, which had previously been launched in previous Vodafone projects in 2017.
In February 2019, Hyde Park signed a contract to provide Triple Play services, which included high-speed internet, IP TV, and virtual fixed voice services "fixed phone". These services are expected to reach 20,000 housing units during the project's delivery.
Karim Shehata, Head of Corporate Sector at Vodafone Egypt, said that the company is keen to provide its services to major developers, as it is the first network in Egypt that is concerned with developing the infrastructure of the real estate sector, as part of the company's efforts to implement digital transformation in various sectors and fields, in line with Egypt's 2030 vision.
Shehata also added that Vodafone is keen on this partnership, which enhances its marketing opportunities in one of the most important and largest projects in the Fifth Settlement, stressing that the services that will be launched will meet the owners’ needs and desires, in light of the total reliance on electronic services, and the need for Internet services available and at high speed most of the time.
Amin Serag, Managing Director of Hyde Park, said that the fourth generation of smart cities has become a tangible reality in Egypt, and smart residential and administrative communities have become more common and widespread, with expectations that the Egyptian market will witness more of these gatherings in the coming years, regarding digital transformation that has also become a tangible reality in the real estate market in Egypt.
He also added that this partnership comes within Hyde Park's development plan, especially in terms of infrastructure, sustainable services, telecommunications services, and internet networks. Given that the civil development process in the region is relatively new, which provides great opportunities for adopting sustainability concepts at a fairly early stage instead of having to face the future effects that may result from the lack of awareness of this step after a while and in order to participate in the planning and development processes that allow cities to grow according to the highest standards of sustainability since the early stages of construction, including all operational processes starting with the design that takes into account the needs of customers.
He also stated that the contract was made with Vodafone due to its possession of the necessary technical expertise to cooperate with providers of communications, safety, security, and other solutions. This also serves the interest of the company and the owners, and in turn enhances Hyde Park’s capabilities for digital transformation in managing and following-up implementation at all stages of projects, through a package of programs and services, in all its facilities such as water, lighting, meters, water and electricity stations, which will contribute in the transformation of having smart management for the project in order to ensure its quality, and provide the latest technological means in management within the framework of the government’s plans towards digital transformation, and to adopt new mechanisms to create huge attractive factors for customers.
November 2020
Introducing Vodafone’s Newest Tagline ‘Together We Can’
Cairo, Egypt, 11th of November, 2020
Together We Can! Sounds motivating and encouraging in such hard times, right? Vodafone is launching its new tagline for the company under the title Together We Can, which reflects how the technological power in harmony with the human spirit stemmed from various ambitions, which enables the achievement of amazing things in different sectors and fields. Vodafone’s global initiative include curing disease, fighting climate change, addressing digital inclusion, and the list goes on. Now think about it, Vodafone’s newest tagline Together We Can fits today’s digital society, especially during such hard pandemic days that all of us are going through! The action of such a new tagline is basically stressing on how technology is an indispensable aspect in our lives for its critical and sustainable role in maintaining the society, businesses and governments, connected through developing myriads of digital solutions tailored to different fields.
Now, we’re all honestly too attached and connected to technology, that we certainly can’t live without it anymore. Technology has so many pros and advantages for us as humans and certainly to our lives, don’t you think? From the smallest advantages to the biggest ones, such as startups and businesses, and that’s Vodafone’s belief too. Vodafone’s main belief is that the combination of technology and society can certainly build us a better future! Wait a minute, technology wouldn’t actually exist without us, right? Well Together We Can serves as Vodafone’s celebration and acknowledgement of what the human spirit can achieve, in relation with technology in a multi-market update to its brand position.
All about the new tagline
Together We Can places the emphasis on the we, and how collaboration between the human spirit, innovation and technology can achieve incredible and mind blowing things. The experience of these last 12 months during the COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated the critical role of connectivity and technology to keeping society, businesses and governments connected. Technology is actually inspiring, right? Well, humans too! Vodafone’s new brand position is inspired by consumer research carried out by the company, which revealed that the role of technology transforming people’s lives, and how technology has evolved from something that simply excites people on a personal level, to playing a more meaningful part in the world on a bigger scale. In particular, in making a difference on issues such as sustainability and societal development.
Vodafone Egypt supports the corporate sector by offering Azure Stack in cooperation with Microsoft
Cairo, Egypt, 16th of November, 2020
Vodafone Egypt announced the launch of Azure Stack cloud services in Egypt in cooperation with Microsoft Egypt, as part of Vodafone's continuous endeavors to provide various technological solutions to its corporate customers with the aim of supporting digital transformation, stimulating innovation, and improving the quality of services provided to the corporate sector.
Through this partnership, Vodafone can provide Azure Stack services, which is the latest innovation in Microsoft infrastructure solutions for companies, as Azure Stack contributes to hosting important databases, programs, and high development of corporate infrastructure, which has become an urgent demand for many government agencies and banking institutions, which is due financial benefit and acceleration of work; In a state-of-the-art secure on-premises data center with the same features as the Azure Cloud platform, Azure Stack gives businesses the ability to easily connect to any system hosted on Azure Cloud thanks to the unified shared platform between Azure Cloud and Azure Stack.
Vodafone has been keen to provide this service with the highest levels of security, as this partnership includes information security and infrastructure. These services are provided by Vodafone Egypt's data centers, which reaffirms that Vodafone places the preservation of its customers' data on top of its priorities, follows strict procedures, and adopts the latest solutions to ensure the preservation of that information. Through this partnership, Vodafone will be able to provide an advanced and secure cloud services environment within Vodafone's cloud computing services that were launched earlier this year. And most important of all, it should be hosted within the borders of the country in order to maintain national cyber security and to enhance the service of the public and private sectors.
Karim Shehata, Head of Corporate Sector, commented on this collaboration and said, "Microsoft is a strategic partner for Vodafone at the global level. Vodafone is always keen to conclude various partnerships with major institutions and companies. As a result, we wanted to add Azure Stack to be offered by Vodafone, and its addition to Vodafone's data center strengthens our commitment to serving the business sector. Azure Stack is a leading solution for businesses and will aid in their growth while keeping the data in good shape.
Additionally, he expressed his belief that these cutting-edge technological tools and services provided by Vodafone through its alliances will significantly help businesses in ensuring business continuity while embracing digital transformation.
From her side, Mirna Aref, General Manager of Microsoft Egypt, said, “We are proud of our cooperation with Vodafone, which reflects Microsoft’s efforts to support the business sector in Egypt, stressing that companies will be able to benefit from hybrid cloud computing services through Azure Stack, which is fully reflected in enhancing their business and achieving their strategic goals, particularly small and medium-sized companies, in order to enable them to achieve the maximum benefit from digital transformation”.
Vodafone participates in Cairo ICT with technological solutions to empower youth and support SMEs
Cairo, Egypt, 22th of November, 2020
Vodafone participates in Cairo International Exhibition for Information and Communication Technologies 2020 (Cairo ICT) with a new set of technological solutions and various services, and what is new this year is that the company has directed its focus on the most influential sectors in the Egyptian economy, which are also the sectors most affected by the crisis that occurred after the spread of the new COVID-19. Vodafone has put youth and small business owners on top of its priorities this year and has provided each category with a set of services that support them in implementing the digital transformation process and overcoming the various challenges they face.
Furthermore, Vodafone is concentrating on young people and small business owners because these demographics are critical to economic growth. Vodafone thus continuously works to increase the skills of youth, support them in showcasing their abilities, and motivate them to start projects and innovate in order to boost the economy. Vodafone provided this category with a wide range of services during the exhibition.
Mohamed Abdullah, CEO of Vodafone Egypt, said: “We believe that SMEs and youth are the cornerstones of economic growth in any country, and the main driver behind promoting digital transformation in Egypt. And in order to accelerate the pace of this transformation, we decided at Vodafone to give them full support. During their journey in the transformation process and provide them with the technological solutions needed to grow their business, through our various platforms, especially V-Hub, Begin, and Vodafone Cash.”
Abdullah continued and explained that the V-Hub platform is specifically designed to help SMEs which face many challenges that they encounter in managing their work, and mainly offers them technological solutions appropriate to their needs, while providing full support from the beginning of the registration process on the platform and choosing solutions. Vodafone Egypt also provides users with consulting services from experts who are fully familiar with the needs of different companies, especially SMEs, and propose appropriate solutions for them, pointing out that the platform has more than 100 technological solutions for companies in cooperation with international companies Such as Microsoft, Vmware, and SAP, as well as local partners who have experience with the needs of the Egyptian market and small companies operating in it, such as CSG, Corporate Stack Weelo, AIM, Edafa, Widebot, and others, stressing that these solutions are hosted on Vodafone cloud in Egypt and enjoy a high level of security and protection of information and data.
Abdullah indicated that Vodafone Egypt is in the process of providing SD-WAN services in the Egyptian market, which is an important technological solution that transforms information technology networks into smart networks, and this is an important step in the path of digital transformation. This technology solution will be offered in partnership with global leaders VMware and Cisco.
Abdullah added that Vodafone Egypt also launched the “Begin” platform, which seeks to support young talents in various fields, whether writing, translation, design, and other fields. Vodafone provides through Begin a digital platform that brings together companies, whether big or startup companies which is a combination of a group of young cadres of independent business owners under one platform, thus providing new job opportunities for young Egyptian talents in different fields, and also supporting startups and small investors.
Through Begin, the company can develop the project to be completed, then the company begins receiving offers from freelancers, and among the offers, the company chooses the appropriate offer for the project requirements, and then begins the implementation phase that allows the two parties to talk through the chat feature to reach the best quality of the product or the service. The company then performs the e-payment process through that platform in an easy and secure way and evaluates its satisfaction with the work submitted to it. It is worth mentioning that Vodafone not only provided job opportunities for youth through “Begin” platform but also partnered with the Information Technology Institute platform "Maharatak" to support and develop the skills of freelancers through electronic training courses.
Regarding financial inclusion and electronic payment services, Vodafone established partnerships with the public and private sectors this year to offer a collection of electronic solutions to facilitate the financing and payment processes for youth, women, and small investors. This year, Vodafone also provided a mobile payment service using a QR code. In support of financial inclusion, Vodafone unveiled one of its upcoming services, the "Vodafone Cash" service, to allow customers to borrow small amounts for their daily needs which can be used as soon as they are requested through cutting-edge technology methods. The QR code enables Vodafone e-wallet customers to buy and pay purchases through their e-wallet on their mobile phones.
Vodafone also collaborated with the National Council for Women, Alexandria Bank, and the International Care Organization to launch a new service to aid women in rural and remote areas in achieving financial independence. This service is a savings and lending group, with each group having 20 members. Each member saves between 10 and 50 Egyptian pounds on a weekly basis, and when a member of the group needs a personal loan, he can request it from the group’s portfolio and pay in installments, and Abdullah commented: “this idea is similar to the idea of money circle for lending and saving , but it is safer and easier this is because the procedure is carried out in an accurate electronic form by relying on “Vodafone Cash” wallet. The difficulties some people faced during the Corona crisis in communicating with one another motivated us to digitize this procedure, and this confirmed that the digitization process is necessary even in the simplest transactions.
Abdullah expressed his pride in Vodafone's participation in Cairo ICT and stressed that "Vodafone Egypt through its participation in the exhibition every year, works to provide comprehensive and integrated services in the field of financial inclusion and digital transformation to support the country’s orientation in this file, as well. It is keen to provide digital services to various groups of society, according to their different needs, and this year is a new start through which Vodafone supports small investors, owners of small and micro enterprises, and youth.
Vodafone signs MoU with MAVEN Delvepoments to provide telecommunications services in the Baymount Sokhna project
Cairo, Egypt, 30th of November, 2020
Vodafone Egypt announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding with MAVEN Developments to become its official partner to implement the digital transformation process and provide it with advanced telecommunications services in the Baymount Sokhna project.
This comes in line with Vodafone's strategy to develop the digital infrastructure of the real estate sector by cooperating with various major developers to contribute to the process of creating more smart cities that are currently the center of real estate.
Karim Shehata, Head of Business Sector at Vodafone Egypt, stated that “Vodafone Egypt is keen to provide everything it achieves in the field of various digital services and solutions in many sectors and fields, in line with Egypt’s development plan for 2030 to implement digital transformation”.
He continued, "We at Vodafone are excited to conclude this partnership, which will benefit both parties, and play a key role in expanding the company's marketing plan by enabling us to use various digital services to enhance and develop digital solutions for the pioneering MAVEN Developments project in Ain Sokhna"
These services are represented in all technological requirements that guarantee multimedia services, high-speed internet, smart city solutions, and other future digital solutions to provide all the needs of the residents of the Baymount project, which are up to 1,500 families.
Mohamed Rushdy, Founder and President of RiverWards Group, and VP and Board Member of MAVEN Developments said: “The integration of digital transformation into the real estate sector has become a very important matter, especially during the recent period, which made the establishment of a strong communications infrastructure necessary, which led to an increasing demand for fourth-generation cities that support Egypt's economic vision due to its reliance on the latest and strongest characteristics and aspects of digital transformation, and our constant enthusiasm to provide the best practical solutions to our customers”.
Furthermore, he said that "We have cooperated with Vodafone Egypt, which was able to make a leap in the application of the digitization process in various sectors to be our official arm for advanced communications (Smart Connectivity Applications) in our first project in Ain Sokhna, which was chosen because it is witnessing great urban development due to its distinguished strategic location and multiplicity of residential, commercial, hotel, educational and industrial activities in it, which makes Galala City the natural urban extension of Cairo on the Red Sea.”
December 2020
Vodafone Egypt to Launch Nano Lending With Bank of Alexandria
Cairo, Egypt, 24th of December, 2020
Vodafone Egypt is working with Bank of Alexandria to launch a pilot nano lending service to consumers, Ayman Essam, the telecom’s external relations director, said in a message to Bloomberg.
Essam said the move is “a normal evolution” given that Vodafone Egypt has 65% of mobile wallet share and more than 80% of the transactions on that platform
Move is “part of our efforts toward financial inclusion”
Co. was selected by Central Bank of Egypt and Egypt’s National Telecom Regulatory Authority for the program
Vodafone and Bank of Alexandria still discussing details, including amounts and launch date