Vodafone Cash Recharge and Bill Payment
Now you can recharge and pay the bill of any Vodafone number through your Vodafone Cash account anytime.
How To Recharge ?
Through Vodafone cash service you can recharge your balance or others balance with Minimum value 5 EGP and maximum value of 200 EGP per transaction.
How to pay your bill?
Through Vodafone cash service you can pay your monthly bill or others’ phone bills with minimum value 5 EGP and maximum value of 60,000 EGP per transaction.
Recharge Fakka Cards with a Click!
Customers eligible to use VF Cash Fakka:
- Prepaid
- Control Flex
- IN
- Enterprise control
- Easy
- Credit limit
"Customer can’t renew his MI Bundle if he has a borrowing amount from 3al nota services."
"Customer can’t renew his Flex Bundle if he has a borrowing amount from 3al nota services"