Support and Warranty
- For the 1st time, fully legal and supported devices with an 18-month warranty.
- Enjoy after sales support from ETIT all day through the call center 19382
Ease of Use & Full Control
- Secure access to your vehicle and fleet info through encrypted login whether through your laptop or phone.
- Accessible through any browser by entering your user name and password without the need to install special software.
Full Tracking
- Locate your vehicles’ exact position on a map and know their status instantly.
- Get detailed vehicle activity.
- Receive instant violation alerts & records
Vehicle Report Tracking
- Learn about your vehicles’ activities and drivers’ behavior through more than 90 reports including past records within the date intervals defined by you.
- Keep records of vehicle activity (accumulated violations, average speed, fuel consumption rate, engine rpm, routes taken etc.).
- Know the exact location of your vehicle with real time violation notifications & alerts eliminating the possibility of hijacking, fuel abuse and car theft.
- Get instant alerts for high accelerations, sudden stops & over speeding ensuring safety of staff and property.
- Stop your vehicle using the cut off engine feature by a click of a button in case of car theft.
Productivity & Efficiency
- Monitor fuel consumption.
- Review driver’s activity for the day for route optimization, to see sites visited, and to prove whereabouts.
- Receive maintenance dates’ alerts.
- Identify drivers commitment to working hours by realtime detailed reports.
The Packages Include:
An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> sectionBgColor.getData()?eval [in template "20116#20160#349149" at line 2, column 10] ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #switch sectionBgColor.getData()?eval... [in template "20116#20160#349149" at line 2, column 1] ----
1<#assign bg = 'section--white' />
2<#switch sectionBgColor.getData()?eval?first>
3 <#case "white">
4 <#assign bg = 'section--white' />
5 <#break>
6 <#case "gray">
7 <#assign bg = 'section--gallery' />
8 <#break>
12<div class="section ${bg}">
13 <div class="spring padding_40 ">
14 <#if sectionTitle.getData()?has_content>
15 <h3 class="align--center heading--3 gutter--all"> ${sectionTitle.getData()}</h3>
16 </#if>
18 <#if tabs.getSiblings()?has_content>
19 <div data-js="_simpleTabs" class="js-tabs tabs js-dynamic-content-listener">
20 <div class="tabs__navigation-wrapper">
21 <nav class="js-tabs-navigation tabs__navigation tabs__navigation--fixed" role="tablist">
22 <#assign selected ="true" />
23 <#assign active_class ="tabs__tab--active" />
24 <#list tabs.getSiblings() as cur_tabs>
25 <a href="#${cur_tabs.getData()?replace("\\W+","-","r")?lower_case}" class="js-tabs-tab tabs__tab ${active_class}" aria-controls="#${cur_tabs.getData()?replace("\\W+","-","r")?lower_case}" role="tab" aria-selected="${selected}">${cur_tabs.getData()} </a> <#assign selected ="false" /> <#assign active_class ="" />
26 </#list>
27 </nav>
28 </div>
29 <#assign selected ="block" />
30 <#list tabs.getSiblings() as cur_tabs>
32 <div id="${cur_tabs.getData()?replace("\\W+","-","r")?lower_case}" class="js-tabs-content tabs__content" style="display: ${selected}">
33 <#if cur_tabs.tabContent.getData()?has_content>
34 <#assign article = cur_tabs.tabContent.getData()?eval />
35 <@liferay_asset["asset-display"]
36 className=article.className
37 classPK=getterUtil.getLong(article.classPK, 0)
38 template="full_content"
39 />
40 <#else>
42 </div>
43 <#assign selected ="none" />
44 </#list>
45 </div>
46 </#if>
47 </div>