Diversity and Inclusion
Attract, develop and retain a diverse employee base at all levels
Build strong connections with our diverse customer base
Build sustainable links with our diverse societies and communities
Ensure communications to all stakeholders live and breathe our diversity values
Diversity in Vodafone
Diversity in Vodafone is not only about different cultures, lifestyles or males vs. females. Diversity in Vodafone is about celebrating and embracing the differences between our employees and make the most out of them. Its all about making each and every employee feel his/her importance and see the value s/he adds to our organization.
Why Vodafone has Diversity ?
In Vodafone we strongly believe that people are the most important asset for any organization. We should make the most of the full range of our people. That’s why Vodafone is keen to attract and retain the right skills, the best minds, all the required resources – and that means diversity.
Diversity & Inclusion local initiatives
In Vodafone Egypt we have a lot of local and global initiatives : 1-The Inclusion Network 2- Awareness and development sessions addressing the employees needs. 3- Inclusive leadership workshops 6- Women in Technology