C-NAM: Company Caller ID Service

C-NAM is a service that regulates tele-sales calls made by some entities by enabling the end user (the call recipient) to know the name of the company calling and the number of the caller in case it is for marketing purposes. The service can be activated by companies and individuals who make tele-sales and promotional calls from their numbers.

The service is currently available only to companies on all RED & Flex Business tariffs and will be available to individuals soon.

Service Details

• The service is currently free of charge.

• Subscription to the service can be done through visiting the nearest Vodafone branch or through the account manager responsible for the company's enterprise accounts.

• The company name will be the trade name or trademark registered in the company's commercial register.

• If a company refrains from subscribing to the service while performing promotional calls risk getting the numbers performing the calls getting suspended in case a number of complaints are received against them.