محتوى عام: موجه للجميع:
- No violence
- No sexual content, situations and/or themes
- No profanity and/or crude humour
- No drug and/or alcohol reference
- No simulated gambling
- No user-generated content
- No social networking integration
محتوى للمراهقين فوق سن 13ويمكن توجيهه للمراهقين ومن الممكن أن يتضمن:
- Mild or infrequent cartoon, fantasy and/or realistic violence
- Mild or infrequent sexual content, situations and/or themes
- Mild or infrequent profanity and/or crude humour
- Mild or infrequent references to drugs and/or alcohol
- Simulated gambling
- User-generated content
- Social networking integration
محتوى للبالغين سن 17 وهو معد لمن بلغ درجة من النضج ومن الممكن أن يتضمن:
- Intense or frequent graphic cartoon and/or realistic violence
- Intense or frequent sexual content, situations and/or themes without nudity
- Intense or frequent profanity and/or crude humour
- Intense or frequent references to drugs and/or alcohol
محتوى للراشدين فوق سن 18 وهو معد للراشدين ومن الممكن أن يتضمن:
- Extreme depictions of graphic violence, appropriate only for or legally restricted to persons of the age of majority
- Explicit references to drugs or alcohol, appropriate only for or legally restricted to persons of the age of majority
- Gambling, appropriate only for or legally restricted to persons of the age of majority