dedicated internet access
Dedicated Internet access
Dedicated Internet Access ‘DIA’
The rise of cloud technologies, web hosting services, IoT products, and other internet-based applications made the demand on a superb connection never higher. Businesses are growing exponentially, which makes providing and managing for bandwidth, accessibility, and flexibility their top priority. Delivering network-wide, building-to-building and internet connectivity, explains the concept of fixed connectivity.
Businesses’ digital ambitions have made fixed connectivity an indispensable feature to have. Regardless of the size of your business or the nature of the operations you conduct, superior connectivity can’t be compromised. This is due to the fact that emerging technologies are highly reliant on connectivity, cloud computing services for instance. Moreover, it increases the accessibility to big data and accordingly guarantees better decision making. It can also blend the physical world with digital innovations. Vodafone’s Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) solution can guarantee you a 24/7 stable business-class connection. The solution delivers high-speed dedicated internet access to maintain stellar performance, security and
reliability across your sites.
Unlike usual internet services, DIA provides your company with a direct fiber connectivity. This indicates that there is no sharing of the bandwidth and this makes it reliable all the time. Besides the fast consistent network, it keeps your business and data secured as it is not shared with another entity. DIA assures numerous benefits for smoother as well as safer operations, the benefits include consistent internet service where your business will remain ahead. There are some value-added services that could boost your business’ security and productivity along with DIA services. Through subscription-based content filtering and email scanning employees will stay focused on their work, additionally your businesses will be protected from the sites that can pose a security risk to the systems of your company. Hence, your business will effectively manage firewalls, stay secured, and authenticate information to reduce redundancy and enhance reliability.
Vodafone’s state-of-the-art technology along with its strong international presence offers your business with DIA Services that are fast, flexible, and continuously available and stable. Through this service you will be able to manage your online presence and provide it with optimum web functionality. Vodafone’s leading network guarantees that your business can carry out its operations without worrying about security, slow browning, or underperforming application. The connections speed provided are of a wide range and could be scalable based on your business demands. Combined with flexible configuration, on-the hour-support, and the offered long term plans. Vodafone’s services assure consolidated communications and simplified management for all web-based activities and operations to boost growth and serve different global needs.
Purchase Dedicated Internet Access and make sure your smart business has the necessary connectivity it needs to keep running efficiently. Contact us at VCS-EG@vodafone.com.