Vodafone committed to ensuring everyone’s inclusion, especially women and youth, in our journey towards the future.
Inclusion for all
We are committed to ensuring everyone’s inclusion, especially women and youth, in our journey towards the future. Through our technology, we will work to bridge the divides that exist and help people to contribute equally and fully to our society.

Yalla Sharek
Our volunteers are key contributors to the success of all our sustainability and community development projects; both internally and externally. Without the manpower, support, and dedication of our caring employees, we wouldn’t have been able to achieve as much as we have now.
All developmental and charitable activities done by Vodafone since its inception in 2002 were accomplished through our steamed volunteers whether through planning, physical effort, or contribution with personal or professional skills.
Furthermore, employee engagement is one of the most important pillars to us in Vodafone and we make sure our employees not only feel part of a team, but also part of an admired workplace that gives back to the society in which it operates.
As part of our purpose to use our digital capabilities and technical know-how in giving back to the community and developing the skills of the youth, Vodafone Egypt has developed its first digital freelancing platform “Begin” that match-makes talented freelancers with a huge number of SMEs & SOHOs to work on freelancing jobs in various fields.
It’s a gateway for youth, undergrads, grads, people with disabilities, and women to use their skills and capabilities in the digital field to earn money for living, through Vodafone cash as the main payment method.
The platform offers its users a number of key features that make it different from other similar platforms:
Secured payment process
Zero commission fees
Digital content
Chatting services
Two-way rating
Backend support
Driven by its mission to empower women, Vodafone Egypt has launched FEKRETEK, to be a dedicated platform for all Egyptian female entrepreneurs. FEKRETEK allows the opportunity to pitch your creative business idea with the chance to win a cash prize.
A call for all Egyptian women who have business ideas with a social or environmental impact, we want to help you bring your ideas to life! There is a grand prize worth of EGP 450,000 in total that goes to the top 3 winners, along with exciting training and mentorship opportunities delivered by our partners; the National Council for Women and the UN Women.
Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Our latest customized tariff and the video call center for the deaf and hard of hearing customers has reached out to a very unique segment yet marginalized segment of customers within our market. The video call experience has enabled them to seamlessly communicate with Vodafone’s sign language interpreters to conveniently solve their daily problems. At the same time, we have rolled out several sign language and disability trainings for our employees in the retail stores.
As a continuation of making its products and services inclusive for all customers, Vodafone Egypt has launched E3rafli Mobile Application for the blind and visually impaired. Now with Vodafone E3rafli you can determine colors, identify the value of your Vodafone cards and charge easily. E3rafli will enable you to recognize the denomination of the Egyptian currency and count it on the go. The digital solution will also enable you to recognize the digital cashier when paying and read the taxi meter once you finish your trip. All these options are possible when you direct your mobile camera towards the selected item.