استثمار فودافون مصر في الرقمنة
Digital Society
During the past years, our lasting investment into digitalisation has started to leverage impact and deliver benefits at scale. At the same time, we entered many new segments where understanding of the potential digital solutions uphold is just starting to emerge. Such a combination of new and established markets marks a defining quality of digitalisation – it’s all-encompassing yet often barely seen. For years, Vodafone Egypt has invested in delivering market-leading solutions to its private and business customers, carefully tailoring our offer to evolving needs and preferences. Building on lasting and trustful relationships with our customers, we have also invested in helping them gain greater convenience, resilience and agility to succeed in the fast-paced world.
People-Centric Digital Mindset
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Vodafone Egypt has integrated with the Vaccine distribution portal to offer the SMS gateway as well as the Callout features and completed full digitization for all the births and deaths offices (2800+) to enable their integration with the Vaccine portal. Focusing on a people-centric and high engagement experience, we installed self-help machines in 150, Retail stores implemented digital business cards and a cashless environment. We have also updated the Vodafone app with the new UX and UI. We also digitized the Universal Health Insurance (UHI) in Egypt in partnership with the Ministry of Health.
In line with its vision of inclusive digitalization, Vodafone Egypt has extended its coverage areas to 59 isolated villages (with no previous coverage) in ElFayoum, ElMinya, and Ismailia. This allows us to start serving more than 800K customers all over Egypt, connecting them to the world.

M2M Connectivity Leadership and Omni Clouds
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We also provide Omni cloud with connectivity (around 2000 SIMs with expanding plans) that support the data centres and gateways which serves the MOE (Ministry of Education) e-learning system, online classes and online exams such as the Thanawya Amma exams. The connectivity provided is used in all MOE schools to monitor the classes using smart cameras with 4G SIMs.

Customer Experience and Relations
Vodafone, we aim to provide our customers with the best-in-class services and products that meet their needs and exceed their expectations. Through attentiveness and care, we build deep and trusted customer relationships.
Every year, we conduct research to find out what truly matters to our customers. This includes:
1- Understanding unspoken customers’ needs, pains and issues.
2- Engaging with our customers to understand their preferences among different options.
3- Monitoring customer experience use patterns allows us to enhance our existing offerings and tailor new ones to meet their needs in the best possible way.
4- Testing different concepts for digital solutions and applications that would be of help for both individuals and business entities.
5- Connecting to the needs of different segments.
6- Understanding our customer’s needs and requirements when it comes to mobile devices to tailor our offer and collaborate with local companies in marketing their products along with Vodafone’s portfolio.

Protecting Digital Rights
Students on Ta3limy are provided the opportunity to develop their digital literacy skills to consume education through technology while staying safe online. Through partnerships with the top content providers.

Operating Model and Cyber Code

When the pandemic hit the world in 2020, it became evident that only companies that had adopted digitization and sound corporate sustainability strategies were able to absorb the shock.
Sustainability is increasingly becoming a necessity for corporations due to changing conditions around the world. Unlike the perspective around the corporate world which used to view Sustainability as a strategy that only leads to a negative impact on the net cost of the company, in Vodafone Group and Vodafone Egypt, we believe in the value of Sustainable Development and that it can bring quite a positive impact on the world at large and specifically the world economy, the community, the planet and the company itself.
Risk & Threat-based Security Operating Model
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The Cyber Code

Vodafone Egypt and GDPR
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Egyptian Data Protection Law
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Customer Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy components:
Design for Privacy Protect Confidentiality Collect Relevant Data Provide a Privacy Notice Provide Choices Manage Data Carefully No Unauthorised Disclosure Secure Data Protect Children’s Privacy Respect Individual Rights

Vodafone’s Privacy Risk Management
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Law Enforcement
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