
Sustainability Report for the year ending March 2024, ESG Overview
Connecting Communities, Empowering Futures

Sustainability Report for the year ending March 2024, ESG Overview
Connecting Communities, Empowering Futures

Sustainability Report for the year ending March 2024, ESG Overview
Connecting Communities, Empowering Futures

Sustainability Report for the year ending March 2024, ESG Overview
Connecting Communities, Empowering Futures

Sustainability Report for the years 2021-2022
Leading on ESG for an Inclusive Digital Egypt

Sustainability Report for the years 2021-2022
Leading on ESG for an Inclusive Digital Egypt
حصل خطأ عند معالجة القالب.
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> containerId [in template "20116#20160#11034149" at line 3, column 8] ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #if containerId.cardContainer.getSibl... [in template "20116#20160#11034149" at line 3, column 3] ----
2<div class="row">
3 <#if containerId.cardContainer.getSiblings()?has_content>
4 <#list containerId.cardContainer.getSiblings() as cur_containerId_cardContainer>
5 <div class="col-lg-6 mb-4">
6 <div class="card-article card radius horizontal p-3 h-100 ">
7 <!-- horizontal -->
8 <div class="row flex-lg-row-reverse">
9 <div class="col-lg-6">
10 <#if (cur_containerId_cardContainer.Imageaam3.getData())?? && cur_containerId_cardContainer.Imageaam3.getData() != "">
11 <img alt="${cur_containerId_cardContainer.Imageaam3.getAttribute("alt")}"
12 src="${cur_containerId_cardContainer.Imageaam3.getData()}"
13 class="w-100 card-img img-fit radius"
14 />
15 </#if>
16 </div>
17 <div class="col-lg-6 card-body ">
18 <h4 class="card-body-heading card-title font-bold mt-0 mb-2">
19 ${cur_containerId_cardContainer.title.getData()}
21 </h4>
22 <div class="card-body-content">
23 <p class="card-text color-black mb-2">
24 ${cur_containerId_cardContainer.details.getData()}
25 </p>
26 </div>
27 <div class="d-flex flex-column">
28 <#if cur_containerId_cardContainer.downloadBtnName.getData()?has_content>
29 <a href="${cur_containerId_cardContainer.downloadBtnName.downloadLink.getData()}" class="btn-link d-flex">
30 <span class="color-red">${cur_containerId_cardContainer.downloadBtnName.getData()}</span>
31 <svg class="icon clock-icon m-start-1">
32 <use xlink:href="#download-arrow"></use>
33 </svg>
34 </a>
36 </#if>
37 <#if cur_containerId_cardContainer.viewBtnName.getData()?has_content>
38 <a href="${cur_containerId_cardContainer.viewBtnName.viewLink.getData()}" class="btn-link d-flex">
39 <span class="color-red"> ${cur_containerId_cardContainer.viewBtnName.getData()} </span>
40 <svg class="icon clock-icon">
41 <use xlink:href="#next-arrow" xmlns:xlink=""></use>
42 </svg>
43 </a>
45 </#if>
48 </div>
49 </div>
50 </div>
51 </div>
52 </div>
53 </#list>
54 </#if>
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65 stroke="#0D0D0D" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
66 <path d="M12 6.5V18.5" stroke="#E60000" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" />
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68 stroke-linejoin="round" />
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80 fill="#E60000" />
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88 </svg>