رسائل فودافون الرئيسية من الفريق التنفيذي
الرسائل الرئيسية
Our Executive Team
CEO Letter

When the pandemic hit the world in 2020, it became evident that only companies that had adopted digitization and sound corporate sustainability strategies were able to absorb the shock.
Sustainability is increasingly becoming a necessity for corporations due to changing conditions around the world. Unlike the perspective around the corporate world which used to view Sustainability as a strategy that only leads to a negative impact on the net cost of the company, in Vodafone Group and Vodafone Egypt, we believe in the value of Sustainable Development and that it can bring quite a positive impact on the world at large and specifically the world economy, the community, the planet and the company itself.
In fact, it adds lots of value to the company; value to the brand, the customers, and the cost of operating. Moreover, it helps us attract the right talent and keep our employees motivated and loyal when believing that they work for an employer that genuinely cares for the world.
Being the biggest Tech Company in Egypt, we accepted the responsibility of helping our customers to benefit from our sustainability efforts and also offered them to take part in it through multiple products and services; from our core connectivity that left no one behind in having access to basic communication needs in the most underdeveloped areas in Egypt, to the e-Tadweer application sponsorship being the commonly used application for customers to recycle their electronic waste in return of a set of benefits offered by Vodafone and many of our enterprise partners. We also launched “Begin” which is our leading platform aimed to connect freelancers with SMEs and secure the payments for freelancers and the quality of work for SMEs. On top of that, we adopted the most intense diversity and inclusion standards through leading the Egyptian Gender Alliance to promote gender equality across our community. These are but a few of the many examples that we will be sharing with the readers of this report.
In this report, we take pride in sharing with the world our sustainable development practices with the hope that we become a catalyst for companies in Egypt to put more focus on the activities that matter to the world.
Mohamed Abdallah
Vodafone Egypt Chief Executive Officer

نرى أن فودافون تساهم بشكل كبير في المجتمعات التي نعمل فيها. انطلاقًا من هدفنا، تؤكد استراتيجية أعمالنا المستدامة على رؤيتنا لتحقيق تأثير إيجابي هام في ثلاثة مجالات (شمول الجميع، وظائف ومهارات الشباب، والكوكب) لكل منها القدرة على تحسين حياة عملائنا والمجتمع بأكمله.
تُدرج عملية تنفيذ استراتيجية الاستدامة الخاصة بنا في العقد الاجتماعي الشامل لشركة فودافون، والذي يصف الفرق الذي نحدثه في دعم المجتمعات التي نعمل فيها.
يعد عقدنا الاجتماعي جزءًا لا يتجزأ من مساعدتنا في دفع مبادرات الاستدامة إلى الأمام، من خلال نهج منظم ومترابط، يمكننا من الدخول في شراكات جديدة مع الحكومات وأصحاب المصلحة الآخرين، للتغلب على بعض التحديات البالغة الأهمية بالنسبة لعملائنا ومجتمعاتنا.
في المقابل، نريد من الحكومات، وواضعي السياسات، والجهات التنظيمية تبني نهجًا مؤيدًا للاستثمار والابتكار يسمح لمشغلي الخدمات بتحقيق عائدات كافية على استثماراتهم.

We are glad to have you at Vodafone, by being Vodafone customer you accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy Notice
Our corporate governance in Vodafone Egypt focuses on long-term business resilience and success that generates values for our stakeholders while ensuring the highest standards of business ethics and integrity, legal and regulatory compliance along with sustainability and governance in public policy and our core foundation. It enables effective integration of our sustainable business strategy and strengthens Vodafone’s brand and reputation.
Beyond connecting people, we strive to connect with our external stakeholders on all levels. Vodafone Egypt Foundation is a great example of how to connect with the society as it contributes to helping other foundations grow and provides the Egyptian Society with much-needed services such as "Ta3limy" which aims to digitize the learning experience while building the skills relevant for the 21st-century citizens.
This is besides other immense amounts of implemented initiatives by Vodafone Egypt contributing to achieving the UNSDGs and the Egypt 2030 vision, and which reflect how manifested and strongly rooted it is in our purpose to create a better future with the use of technology, enabling an inclusive and sustainable Digital Egypt.
We draw inspiration from our commitment to a social contract to start innovative public-private partnerships, common projects with NGOs, and other initiatives such, as Hayah Kareema, involving multiple stakeholders. Providing a network in unprivileged and rural areas has been at the forefront of our infrastructure and core connectivity advancements.
Ayman Essam
External Affairs and Legal Director

We are glad to have you at Vodafone, by being Vodafone customer you accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy Notice
We believe that everything is possible with great and passionate employees combining technology with a human spirit, experimenting and learning fast, and striving to do all it takes to create a better future for everyone. We have strategically built a workforce that lives the essence of getting it done together to help our customers and societies, putting our customers at the forefront of our thinking to ensure earning our customers’ loyalty.
Our focus and support are fully driven by our youth careers and developmental programs which go on all year long creating new opportunities through summer and winter internships, hackathons, STEM, discover programs, and many more. Vodafone Egypt purposes all its powers to expand its impact on talented youth, aiming to aspire, discover, shape, educate, and build fresh talents among the new generations who proved that they are more than eager to grow and empower our society through all conditions.
This has been recognised through multiple industries-leading awards including the Universum World’s Most Attractive Employers | 2020, Top Employer Award Egypt 2020, Top Employer Award Africa 2020, and Best Places to Work Award 2020. During the past year, we have proven to be a great place for women through receiving the Egyptian Gender Equity Seal certification and earning the Award for best place for women.
Our diverse teams are embedding the Spirit of Vodafone into our everyday ways of working so that we regularly talk about how we do things, as well as what we do. Our behaviours are guided by our shared values, what we believe is important, and what we stand for.
Nagla Kinawi
HR Director