سياسة الخصوصية لـ ڤودافون
سياسة الخصوصية لـ ڤودافون
The world is undergoing rapid environmental change, and Egypt is particularly vulnerable to challenges like water scarcity and climate change. Vodafone Egypt has adopted ambitious climate and energy targets and has been strategically developing its contribution to environmental stewardship. While addressing our own impacts, Vodafone Egypt aspires to unlock and scale the power of digitalization, technology and innovation to address a wide range of environmental challenges, promote the development of smart, sustainable and digital infrastructure, streamline monitoring and optimization of environmental parameters in cities and buildings and drive the circular economy.
Climate & Energy
At Vodafone Egypt, we strive to create a better future for all. The unpredictable weather, flooding and constant natural disasters witnessed in Egypt and globally have renewed our agility to reach out Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) net-zero targets as fast as possible and ensure that the telecom industry and infrastructure are resilient and environmentally forward as possible. Energy is fundamental to Vodafone Egypt operations in many ways. Our facilities and infrastructure require energy, as much as our customers depend on it to power their devices and lead their daily lives. Every technology, products and action require energy at certain points, and as the demand grows, so does the pressure on the energy system and nature’s resources. The ongoing energy transition is not only about speed but also about ensuring that the future energy system is resilient, smart and sustainable in every way.
Journey to Net-Zero
Globally, the telecommunication industry alone is estimated to amount to about 2 to 3% of global energy demand, marking them as one of the most energy-intensive companies in their markets. During FY 2021/2022, Vodafone Egypt consumed 370 GWh of electricity. At Vodafone Egypt, we are taking bold steps on energy efficiency and renewable energy to become an energy-positive company and to meet Vodafone Group’s target of reaching 100% renewable energy by 2025. Vodafone Group is committed to fully abate for its own operations by 2030, and for the full carbon footprint by 2040 , ensuring commercial success does not come at a cost to the environment. Vodafone Group’s 2030 carbon reduction targets have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative and are in line with initiatives aimed at keeping the global temperature increase to 1.5°C. We are committed to support the achievement of the Group’s targets by optimizing our operations and implementing carbon reduction measures..
Eco-SIM Card

تعمل ايه لو عايز تتابع كل مسلسلات رمضان السنة دي؟
Renewable Energy – Solar PV
In efforts to reduce GHG emissions and achieve the Group’s 100% renewable energy target by 2025, we are currently operating 120+ sites with solar PV this includes across our buildings, headquarters, and cell sites. The solar plant on our building in Beni Suef started operation in 2020 and generated a total of 88.5 MWh during FY 2021/2022, that resulted in 37 mtCO2e of avoided emissions from purchased electricity. In 2021, we installed solar panels on our smart village premises in further efforts to achieve a target of 10% reliance on green power by 2030. Our facility in smart village generated a total of 366 MWh during FY 2021/2022 resulting in a total of 156 mtCO2e of avoided emissions.

Accounting for the fast-paced advancements in our digitalization, we are experiencing an average of 20-30% rise in consumption annually, of which heating and cooling consumption, however, stayed almost constant. Our current energy intensity lies at 11,759 kWh/mln Employee.

Circular Economy, Resources and Waste
As the circular economy goes beyond the pursuit of waste prevention, it also inspires sustainable digitalization and social innovation. Here at Vodafone, we realize our impacts on the environment and influence on society leading to the creation of a strong circularity approach influencing not only our operations but increasing the sustainability and awareness of our customers as well.
LED Fixtures
940 mtCO2e/yr Reduction
We are currently in the process of replacing all our fluorescent lights with LED fixtures. As of 2021, we managed to reduce 26% and 7% of our electricity consumption across our buildings and cell sites respectively.
Water-Cooled Chillers
1200 mtCO2e/yr Reduction
This year we converted from air to a water-cooled chiller system at our headquarters building in the 6th of October City. These systems have higher efficiency, thus achieving a 30% reduction in electricity consumption compared to the previous system.
Air-Cooled Chiller
200 mtCO2e/yr Reduction
The installation of our adiabatic cooling system has led to the reduction of 32% of power consumption.
Water-Efficient Fixtures
110 mtCO2e/yr Reduction
Water-related energy use (treatment, pumping and distribution) is often overlooked due to its low contribution to organizations’ total consumption and emissions. At Vodafone Egypt, however, we take into account such small contributions, specifically when the reduction of these emissions also leads to a 50% reduction in water consumption.
Vodafone Egypt achieved a 29% reduction in its diesel fuel consumption in FY 21/22 compared to FY 2017/2018. This is attributed to our increased generation and consumption of solar PV renewable energy.

Circular Economy, Resources and Waste
As the circular economy goes beyond the pursuit of waste prevention, it also inspires sustainable digitalization and social innovation. Here at Vodafone, we realize our impacts on the environment and influence on society leading to the creation of a strong circularity approach influencing not only our operations but increasing the sustainability and awareness of our customers as well.
Digitalization of Processes
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Hello world Hello world Hello world Hello world Hello world Hello world Hello world Hello world Hello world

Hindered by our working from home, providing our monthly employee recognition certificates and ensuring their proper recognition was at risk. This offered a great opportunity to forego hard copy certificates and implement a soft copy initiative backed by digital employee recognition. We were successful at keeping employees' satisfaction and eliminating some of our carbon footprint emissions.
per month
Circular Economy, Resources and Waste
As the circular economy goes beyond the pursuit of waste prevention, it also inspires sustainable digitalization and social innovation. Here at Vodafone, we realize our impacts on the environment and influence on society leading to the creation of a strong circularity approach influencing not only our operations but increasing the sustainability and awareness of our customers as well.
Eco-SIM Card

كبسولة المسلسلات. برنامج واحد تقدر تتابع عليه كل يوم ملخصات لكل المسلسلات المعروضة على شاهد ووتش ات، مع محمد طاهر نجم المراجعات الكوميدية على الانترنت! اتعرف على كل المعروض على ووتش ات وشاهد، من اول الممثلين والتترات، لغاية الموسيقى والديكور، عشان تعرف من بدري هتتابع ايه. تابع كبسولة المسلسلات، عشان تعرف هتتابع ايه.
Accounting for the fast-paced advancements in our digitalization, we are experiencing an average of 20-30% rise in consumption annually, of which heating and cooling consumption, however, stayed almost constant. Our current energy intensity lies at 11,759 kWh/mln Employee.

Fostering Sustainability Together
Sharing our sustainability goals and initiatives and fostering environmental inclusion has been at the top of our employee and customer engagement plan. Our aim is to foster and encourage environmental belonging and community wellbeing at each step of the way to promote awareness and responsibility towards future generations.
Promoting e-Waste Management: e-Tadweer
Vodafone Egypt launched e-Tadweer app in strategic partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Waste Management and Regulatory Authority, and the UNDP. This flagship initiative is the first national digital platform that encourages and facilitates the rise of the recycling industry across Egypt. Electronic wastes are wastes that are at or nearing the end of their useful life include toxic metals and organics that lead to irreversible damages to human health and the environment. With the fourth industrial revolution – the rise of the digital era, more and more e-waste is generated and improperly discarded.
Seeing as Egypt is one of the highest e-waste generators in Africa, contributing to approximately 500-600 kt of e-waste per year, the initiative is core to start streamlining the concept of recycling across the nation. We contributed to the initiative by providing digital consultancy during the app development, raising awareness through our social media platforms and through SMS campaigns and donating 10,000 tons of electronic waste to initiate the recycling cycle. Constant incentives are provided, e.g. discounts on mobile accessories or collection point at the VF store to incentivize the community into joining the initiative.

Green Economy Forum
During the Green Economy Forum , and as one of the Live Green strategic partners, Vodafone had the chance to officially reveal the app and increase awareness of the issue and offerings. As a result, and in collaboration with a wide number of digital hubs to raise awareness, 180k people downloaded our app, and 1.2mln were exposed to the launch.

Hello Title
Sustainability is at the heart of Vodafone's business model, and over the years, our financial success has gone hand in hand with our long-term ESG commitments and performance. Today, and through our unified purpose and vision.

Hello Title
Sustainability is at the heart of Vodafone's business model, and over the years, our financial success has gone hand in hand with our long-term ESG commitments and performance. Today, and through our unified purpose and vision.
This year we conducted an eco-friendly bazaar during our annual planet week where training sessions about plastic hazards and recycling were conducted.

Hello Title
Sustainability is at the heart of Vodafone's business model, and over the years, our financial success has gone hand in hand with our long-term ESG commitments and performance. Today, and through our unified purpose and vision.
Sustainability is at the heart of Vodafone's business model, and over the years, our financial success has gone hand in hand with our long-term ESG commitments and performance. Today, and through our unified purpose and vision.

Hello Title
Sustainability is at the heart of Vodafone's business model, and over the years, our financial success has gone hand in hand with our long-term ESG commitments and performance. Today, and through our unified purpose and vision.