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About this Report and Assurance Letter
The report reflects how we do our business and what our stakeholders expect regarding performance on material ESG topics. We also aim to provide a broader view on our priorities and efforts to make a positive difference in the world which builds upon our Sustainable Business Strategy and our new Social Contract.
The report has been created with a digital-first mindset as we want this report to be accessible to everyone. Our sustainability report website has been designed to facilitate user interaction, ease in finding relevant data and focus on what matters most to our readers. Along with the digital version we also bring you a traditional PDF report optimized through smart navigation. We hope our readers use the format that suits them best, and we look forward to your feedback.
Scope and Reporting Period
This is our fourth sustainability report. Certain information before and after these dates has been included to highlight the context and events relevant to the reporting period. While previously we published reports covering two-year periods, we expect to proceed with the annual reporting cycle. Starting from this reporting cycle, our digital tool serves the quarterly update of our information.
References and Frameworks
Standards provide a globally recognized framework for reporting on sustainability and have been used to highlight our impacts on the environment, economy and people, including human rights.
Standards guide disclosure on the subset of ESG issues most relevant to our financial performance.
framework was used to ensure clear, comprehensive, high-quality disclosure on the impacts, risks and opportunities related to climate change.
SDGs & Egypt Vision 2030
The report also aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Egypt Vision 2030 objectives, which we refer to when mapping our contribution based on diverse internal and external initiatives.
This report presents our refreshed materiality assessment that reflects the evolution of the ESG landscape and the expansion of our value proposition to technological communications. It is based on analysis of our positive and negative impacts on the environment, economy and people, including human rights, and takes into account the interests and needs of our different stakeholders.
The structure of this report is guided by the materiality assessment, while specific sections don’t necessarily correspond to a single topic due to often broad and overlapping impacts.
This report starts with a Letter from our Executive Team and an overview of significant achievements. This is followed by Our Strategy, Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessment. We further proceed with a focus on our Environment which is followed by thematic chapters on People and Society, Governance, Prosperity and Digitalization. We conclude by presenting our Progress Snapshot of 2020-2021, Assurance Letter, Memberships and a comprehensive ESG Appendix with extended data on Vodafone Egypt’s ESG key performance indicators and framework content index tables.
Reporting Principlies
This report has been prepared with the application of GRI reporting principles:
Sustainability Context
Verifiability Assurance
Masader Corporate Sustainability Consulting Firm (S.A.E) has provided a limited assurance statement on the content of this report.
Contact Point
For further inquiries regarding the report and its content, please contact the sustainable business team at sustainablebusiness@vodafone.com

Limited Assurance Statement
Independent Auditors’ report on Vodafone Egypt Sustainability Report 2020-2021
To the Board of Directors of Vodafone Egypt
We have been appointed to perform a limited assurance engagement on the Vodafone Egypt Sustainability Report 2020-2021 with the reporting period covering the year 2020 and 2021 (from 1st of April 2020 to the 31st of March 2021).
Directors' Responsibility
The Directors of Vodafone Egypt are responsible for the preparation of this report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative GRI 2021 Universal Standards. The Directors are responsible for ensuring sufficient internal control for the preparation of a report that is free from material misstatements caused by fraud or error. Their responsibility includes the definition of methodology, reporting scope, assumptions and estimations, stakeholder engagement, materiality assessment, and the contents of the final report.
Auditors' Independece and Quality Control
We adhere to the principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, due diligence, confidentiality, and professional behavior. We maintain a quality control system that includes policies and procedures regarding compliance with ethical requirements, professional standards, and applicable laws and regulations.
Auditors' Responsibility
It is our responsibility to express a conclusion about the compliance of this report with the requirements of the GRI Standards. We conducted a limited assurance engagement based on our professional judgment, inquiries, document analysis, recalculations, and other relevant procedures, to obtain evidence sufficient to the scope of the assurance. We have performed the following procedures based on documentation provided by Vodafone Egypt:
Review and analysis of Vodafone Egypt and its business lines’ strategies, guidelines, policies, procedures, reports, and data.
Analysis and comparison of results featured in previous reports with the 2020 & 2021 results.
Analysis of the coherence and consistency of the materiality assessment of the Vodafone Egypt’s disclosed business lines.
Review of the final report and the featured content indices in regards to compliance with the GRI Standards as listed in the report.
Based on the aforementioned procedures, nothing has come to our attention that would cause us to believe that the Vodafone Egypt Sustainability Report 2020-2021 has not been prepared in all material aspects, in accordance with the requirements of the GRI Standards. We do not assume and will not accept responsibility to anyone other than Vodafone Egypt for the provided assurance and conclusion.

About Us
Masader is an innovative interdisciplinary consulting, design, and engineering sustainability firm based in Cairo, aiming at leveraging positive impact across the MENA region and globally. It specializes in Resource Efficiency, Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, and Integrated Sustainability Solutions. Since 2015, Masader has led 100+ projects across the areas of energy, environment, climate change & carbon footprint, circular economy, green building (LEED), as well as corporate sustainability strategies, reporting, and certification.

157 Baehler's Mansions Building, 2nd Floor, 26th of July Street, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
Tel/Fax: +20227354033
Email: info@be-masader.com
Website: be-masader.com